Wednesday, January 19, 2005

oh blah

Today it was nice till I got to work, now it's just kind of hanging above me. I feel it, the kinetic energy of suck, other peoples bad mood. I drink coffee and type, pretending I was outside, somewhere on the other side of this hill. I'm over the hill. har.
Last night was all focused and shit. Eating at rock and toll hootchie koo koo roo. Cleaning the mess of this weekend's show out of our bedroom. Running, for the first time in ages, it was nice and sharp outside, I didn't feel as horrible and shiftless, I was able to remember the feeling, like riding a bike. Rehearsing guitar parts, simple.
It all leads back against today, and I'm going to have to deal with other people's shit, while my house is clean and my body has been exercised, my guitar parts have been practiced, I have even gone so far as to write here.

1 comment:

downtown said...

Buckie expounds:
"I feel it, the kinetic energy of suck"...

Downtown blathers:
Well put, sir! Your blog never ceases to poke at my surprisingly-swollen memory-banks. Remember the "giant sucking sound"? It was a political catchphrase back in the late '80s/early '90's, referring to the jobs sucked Southward to Mexico by NAFTA. I hope I'm not condescending to this blog's readers by explaining that... I just wanted to type "sucked Southward." Try it, it's fun.

Buckie continues to compose:
"rock and toll hootchie koo koo roo"

Downtown continues to spout:
"rock and toll hootchie koo koo roo" is pure lusciousness! It simply dribbles down one's chin, say it! Do they still serve corn?

By the by, Buckie baby: you're nowhere NEAR over the hill. You're but a baby, baby.


(Be Your Own Blog)