Thursday, September 30, 2004

In many variable

Now well it has been a few days since my last little nibble blog, yet I have not been hungry. Nay! I have been distracted, easily and by nothing in particular. Oh humbling moments of realization. Back from the fountain, The ivory turned, seasonal specials upon us at last.

I suppose "The incomparable White Six" single has been finished by Shitting Glitter, and mixed by yours truly. Gruesome work, frustrated to figure out a few things way too late but just in time. Now the period of distance must grow, and when it's taller than the weeds I will look at it and be very enthused that I was pushed into completion, but for now I am rather content to be aware that it is almost always the case of recordings I've helmed, that in the end I am proud if not happy and amazed. Work on the album "Free Alongside Ship" has begun, of this I am more excited than ever before. How long before I hold the item in my hands?

This weekend we are off to San Diego to headline a little gay gathering in a park! We are HUGE in San Diego.

I find that I am fulling enjoying "The Old Curiosity Shop" by Charles D.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Mind your stern

At work again and the full tilt of the week is before me. I can see into the barrel, a bullet named Monday already through my head, I can see Tuesday and I know there are more behind and below it.
The weekend was hot hot arduous. Nearly all the recording for the single is complete in nice level stacks of 15 or 16. A spare back up vocal and an errant baseline remain.
This week will no doubt be a mix of high temperature and frustrated mixing.
Today sadly the rightful owner of our fabulously borrowed microphone awoke to find it missing. A very kind girl got yelled at for the sake of the music and I feel really bad about that. The show goes on and I'm sure now that we will not be so lucky as to use it for our album. eesh.
As if sensing the week a to come last night we were treated to a plastic meal of fantastic raw fish that a king could consume in proper royal court. We followed the meal with a mad dash reminder to a karaoke host friend, a song and a beer when you least expected it, thanks for everything and here's to life.
Tonight I hope to tie up a those last few recording ends. Bend it all up and call it okay. Okay? Who really can tell?
I am a reluctant scarred cat sometimes, most times actually. I have reminded myself of that over and over... Don't say no so quick. Don't think of the reason it won't work. Be a fool who tried it. Shikes...I could dwell in the land of the inspirational poster and come back with a horn of plenty. I see those people around me who have made the decision that life is a one chance idea that you get to think up as you go. I have seen them hold rock steady to an idea they had the good chance to encounter and plug through all the negative nats in the world, only to surprise! Explosion! Succeed! Success! Some fucking people are just so precious that I need to stop and watch and grow the fuck on, move, warning shots are only fired in bad movies and occasionally, certain backwards southern states.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Possible explanation

I'm not eating carbohydrates today. I'm drinking coffee and eating crisp turkey bacon.
Last night was good, we watched the premier of Joey and I for one particularly enjoyed it. After the fine show we had a little meeting of the Glitters to discuss our pending album. We came to some agreements and hammered out a picture of what the work may be like.
Amy and I began writing a song for the album after the currently in process, It is a fun song and I'm excited to see that it takes place in present day.
I'll be touching up the recordings this weekend and mixing my silly self silly.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Whole proof of improvement

I'm awake today and much better off for it. I left home earlier than I ever do and I had a can of soda and a package of turkey bacon in my back pack. It did not take me long to appreciate the warm air on my slow walk to the bus. I could feel my self in a better head and I reacted in the positive.
Yesterday morning sucked, I couldn't get a handle on it, just kept getting away from me. I felt in a panic about our band, in a panic about cash. Just a big weight pressin' down... "Take a load off Brandon"... I wrote emails hoping to get responses with something sticking out of to hold onto. I pressed hard enough and before the working day ended the people that matter most had managed to give me a hand hold, I took hold and today feel thankful.
Last night was not as pressed as I thought. I broke my second and only low E, the second night in a row. We did laundry, sober, which is not really as fun as the drunken laundry that we normally do. It's really a good time to keep a cooler full of beer in the car and sneak a 7-11 cup full of brew into the gay disco laundry mat and drink and watch the wardrobe spin. Last night it was just nice to crawl into bed still inside my own temper.
Once inside bed a little marijuana reward was in order followed by the bizarre spectacle that is "The Mayor of Sunset Strip". It was funny watching this little troll of a boy navigate through life, it was also sad and disgusting. There were enough dashes of inspiration that a young Hollywood band can use, but there is also exposed in all it's ugly detail that wall that separates today's world and today's music with the music of Rodney's life which didn't have to try and block the divider out of the frame or keep it out of the groove of the record.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Knee Deep in Feet

I forgot to wear my glasses to work today, I used to forget quite often but in the last Six months or so I have not forgotten at all. I remember now that I used to think it was rather fun, being a degree or two more than usually removed from the world. Somehow taking away the crispness of vision dulls out more than just the visual world. There is some space created in my brain by not having to read far away signs or look closely at people. Today all that extra power saved by not wearing glasses is focusing on the self. Oh me...
I think me in a funk of sorts, or at least feeling a little funking.
I can't manage to eat properly. Every morning I get to work a half hour early, not because I'm a go get it all kind of person but because I'm humbled every single day by the fact that I can't manage to have a car. So in my half hour after arriving to work I walk over to Vallarta supermarket, and proceed to find the most processed foods for consumption. Maybe it's a culture gap but there doesn't seem to be any real food in a Vallarta supermarket, So I end up with lunchables and little chocolate donuts, or hot pockets and frozen pizza.
If the bad food I eat at work is not to be the death of me I imagine the fact that I daily jay-walk across Vineland avenue in a sleep deprived state shoving little chocolate donuts in my mouth will. Should I have the poor fortune of living long enough I'll just have to have a back transplant because my chair is a big mess of uncomfort.
My blog is getting so emo today, and to take it further, one of the guys I work with just walked in to tell me that John Kerry was planted by the republicans to ensure an election victory for Dubya. I can't even begin to pick a part that mess...
I am really rather tired, and there is no sense in getting down to the truth in a blog.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Over labored day

Friday full of cheap food and cheaper beer at pit fire pizza in no ho, followed by a visit to the rather infamous "scott's" apartment. Distracted a bit by my own bad choices during Harold and Maude.
Saturday recording and living at Christopher's house of sexual offence in the valley. In the closet with an expensive beyond our reach microphone goes Amy, then Devin followed by Amy and M.Q., wonderful results, I would suppose if I were not a little nervous to listen to them again. Singing late into the night as Saturday becomes Sunday without even a hint of change. Trivia and Pink Dots dancing in our living room until "Chasing Amy" lulled us asleep.
The crowd around Pam Boobersons' Boobs wakes us up to meet her propped up smiling corpse. Her boobs have written a book with some other boob and many blogs are now taking notice.
Denny returns to find a very normal and warm welcome. Monday is tired and lazy and the "Garden State" is shown downtown, we watch it just fine. Drinks at the gay cabo cantina, followed by a crazed hair brained Idea to go to Pasadena.
Singing with Jackie, nerve about new songs, but all in all not very awful.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Bucker is a Fuckerhead

The mis-guided missing reaction slips the noose tails up the idea far behind and chasing the caboose catch up mr. Catcher, rye do you even bother? got issues to be discussed, far more than the cliff of youth farther to fall and more to use, sleeper strings of cheese attached to meals and monuments, what you said you meant, what I can forgive, if I could be forgotten, I'm not really as tired as it seems and I don't trifle, I am still steadfast and hungry and righteously pompous, I do know, I am the believer in the television, with the telecaster, shooting stars with my old gun.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Forward Tinker

K...I'm bored here today, I have done much work and I'm ready to go home.
I was able to place my self in an hourly rented room last night with the dirty whore that is my 16-track hard disk recording device. In an hour and 45 minutes I was able to complete the electric guitar for "iw6" and "shgc" I also did some flurries on "gw"... It was all fun and games but a little frustrating, still not entirely able to achieve the sounds I wish, I guess you need to pay a little more to actually like the recorded sound of an electric guitar. All in all it was nice and odd, me in a room with my amp and a useless drum kit, bashing it out hoping for the best.
Returned home to a locked up house and no keys in my pocket, luckily Pink Dot let me in.
Just finished reading "The Making Of The African Queen", finding myself locked into the rhythm logic of Kat Hep to burn, it's a rather proper feeling you know, which I've always found is the best kind of feeling there is. I think next I'll read "The Fourth Hand" by Irving, it sits there a top the bookcase winking at me.
Tonight I will help Melissa with mixing some M.Q. Musik songs, or at least look at her recorded set up and figure out a way in which I will be able to mix them. I've never mixed something I didn't record.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

A Son of the Circus

No recording last night, those bastards at the sound arena had it all booked up. So tonight I have a room, 2 hours is all I get to get it right... It's only three songs so what the hey, I bet I can pull it off.
Finished reading "A Son of the Circus" last night. I've nothing profound or arty to say about it other than I liked it and think it was a damn fine creation. I am now reading "The Making of the African Queen" by Katherine Hepburn, delightful piss-whip that she was.
Have been as of late taking many fine meals at a cozy little place on Hayward just a stones throw north of Santa Monica called "Pizzetta" They don't sell booze but you can bring it in, which works out on the cheap. The sauce on the pizza we had last night was so spicy that my entire face was sweating, but damn fine none the less.