Monday, October 26, 2009

Passing Through the Past

I've been doing more and more digging into my previous self. I again have gone been digging through my box of tapes and came up with a bit of a goodie. It's an entire side of one tape that is all instrumental compositions. The tape is simply labeled "Ambiotica". I recall playing it and constantly adding too it. I played it late last night through head phones and found myself really enjoying it. The quality is actually better than I expected. I'm considering dumping it down to the computer and including it in the S no S archive.
I also read the entire word file now associated with the S no S archive last night. It's getting lengthy. There is some re-writing to do, and just over half of the original songs to be transcribed yet. I am trying to toe the line between keeping it understandable to a person with no audio production background and still including a little bit of detail about the method of some of the recording. Not easy, but it's worthwhile to consider who may even want to read this thing.

Back to work with me.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

No popcorn?

Wtf peeps? No popcorn at the academy of television arts and science theater. For reals? What gives. Call your congressman, make a change we can believe in!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Grass Stains

I have been workign on compiling the lost S no S album "Albino Elephant". It's been going really well. I've discovered some tracks I thought were long lost that I'm glad to have back. Last night I made a discovery of a totally different kind. I found a track that I didn't even remember making. I recall writing the instrumental part, and making a Demo of it for Shitting Glitter, but what I don't recall was writing lyrics and recording a vocal to it. The song is called Grass Stain, and even for S no S it's odd. I was happy to make the discovery though, since it makes at least one S no S recording that I did at the Orange Grove address, which is otherwise a big black hole where I got to create none of my own music. The track needs some work, but I think I will try and do it and see if it flows because it would be nice to have on the album. I have noticed that some of the other candidates may not be as viable for inclusion as I originally thought.

The project I referred to in the last blog is all about S no S. I'm compiling everything into one big archive, and writing a companion PDF which will include pictures, artwork, lyrics and background story behind a lot of the material. It's exhaustive but I am finding great value in it. It's caused me to go back and really examine what i've done before, my hope is that it will give me a better understanding of where I want to go now.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Silent blog

I may be absent from here a bit. I'm working on something else, I hope to share it with you all soon.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

View from crazy sushi

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Is the American Dream Just a Fantasy?

When I sit and consider my country and the people I know I get very confused. I don't understand why so many people have so little, and yet they fight so hard for people who have so much to keep everything they have, no matter how unjust the method in wich the abundance was attained is. The new Michael Moore makes the point that most of them believe that they are special, and one day they will be a member of the Haves, instead of the Have Nones. I suppose this is all to true.
Our society and our popular culture exists on the very idea that there are certain people among us that are more special than everyone else. And as we all grow up watching television and movies and listening to music where the performer is far more important than the performance or the content of the performance. We are only allowed glimpses of these chosen special individuals, carefully controlled prism views into their life, where each detail has been poured over and calculated for maximum impact.
And deep in our heads as we grow up in this country there is a voice and it is telling each of us, "you are a special one". The words are echoed by your parents and teachers. "You are special" It is a gold star on our school papers or the gold medal on our chest at athletic events.
Deep down as Americans we all believe we are special. And when you feel special isn't it natural to feel a little bit entitled to rewards befitting your standing? Don't you deserve just a little more? A bigger house and a larger piece of the pie?
Even if you are not currently recognized as the special genius that only you yourself know you to be. You know one day that is all going to change. One day they will all know just how much you deserve.
All people can't be equal, and special. Inequality exists because it's there, not everyone has it all figured out like the special people do. That is why they are poor. That is why they have no health care. They are not special people.

"America is the greatest country in the world"
"You are special"

Oh, to be from the greatest country in the world and be special.

This is a dangerous mind set. This not only destroys the drive for equality, but justifies the necessity of inequality, it's a natural symptom if something is the best, that there must then be inferior things. It's natural. It's maybe even gods will?

All around America the cracks are starting show. Many people have traveled abroad and seen how the other half lives. They have come back to us and their message is confusing. It is counter to what we have heard our entire lives.

"America is the greatest country on earth"
"You are special"

Life in America for many boils down to a contest, and we would rather win than be right, than compete fair. Win and be number 1 at any cost, at any price.

This is why people fight for massive corporations that generate absurd profits at such a great cost to so many people they crush. People here really do believe that one day that company could be theirs. They believe that such absurd "success" is a natural result of being special.

People fight positive social change that helps everyone simply because they do not want it. They do not care. They do not believe that the person who makes their triple Decker burger deserves health care. They do not believe that the little brown woman down the street deserves a guaranteed retirement account. They do not believe that corporations should have to answer to anything but the bottom line. They believe they are special and that they live in the greatest country on earth.

They have no idea what really makes this country great, and they have no concept of how truly special that is.

I have waited so long

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Starvation

"We used to be a nation of farmers, but now it's less than two percent of the population in the United States. So a lot of us don't know a lot about what it takes to grow food."
- Judith Redmond, Full Belly Farms

Today on my lunch break I started watching this documentary, "the Future of food" . Should you be so inclined you can watch it here for free as I will be doing over my lunch break in the next week and half.

I was only able to watch the first 15 minutes today but already I'm scared to the pit of my soul. What the hell has been going in our world? How far from common sense will we stray before the hammer falls and falls hard?

It would seem to me that we need to have an endangered species list for varieties of our common foods.

I grew up on a farm, my mother stayed at home until my sister was five. Somehow my parents managed to raise a family from the food we grew and the cattle we raised. Would that be possible today? I highly doubt it. What a sad thing we have done to our country in the name of the profit motive.

What is it going to take for people to actually start having an open and honest dialog in this country about the very real situations which we are in? I feel like the pundits are screaming about nothing, and the media follows suit, all whipping up fervor over nothing, and people fall in line and pick a side of the days lucky non issue, while by the way side everything that really matters just slips further towards the drain.

We are circling ever closer to a tired, sad epitaph:

"they had all the clues and never saw it coming"

Game Tape

Once again the weather is cooperating with blogging. It's overcast and chilly. I'm wearing a pinstripe suit jacket and blue and black striped scarf. I feel spiffy, and chilly. I've just retrieved a fresh cup of coffee from the back room and have sat back down to type this memorance to myself.

Memorance: A short note for future memory purpose.

I had a nice weekend. Friday night Angela and I went to see Paranormal Activity at the AMC 16 in Burbank. It was fucking scary. I'm sure a person could go see the film and not enjoy it, and not be scared, but it's your loss. Anyone can talk themselves out of enjoying a horror movie, it doesn't make you any smarter than anyone else, it just means that you are willing to waste your time and money. There is nothing wrong with not enjoying horror movies, if you are inclined not to, all I ask is that you don't see them, then you don't have to complain and I don't have to hear it. However, if you are inclined to spend your money and are willing to take the ride with your time, go see this film and let yourself get caught up. It's scary scary scary.

Saturday Devin and I went to see Capitalism, a Love Story. As good as anything Michael Moore has ever done. It's always hard to sit and face the facts about where the country I love is at and where it'd heading, but it's necessary at this point to take stock. It's a call to action that we can't afford not to answer.

Sunday Angela let me sleep really late while she worked on projects in the living room. I slept till nearly 1pm for the first time in ages. It was chilly and at times I had blankets and Simone to keep me warm. I crawled out of bed and did some chores around the house. Later we went for a drive, we drove past the Ennis House, pictured in the post below. We then drove over to have a look at the Debs Regional Park in Montecito. It was getting chili then so we didn't tarry. We instead went to fresh and easy to stock up on food for the coming week.

Sunday Afternoon I also watched the DVD of Invisible Materials first show. I"m very happy that Devin took the time to make the DVD and that Marc and Dylan took the time to film it. A person can learn a great deal about their own performance through such things.

Briefly I learned this:

As a group we need to focus on the vocals, without the music overpowering what we are all signing.

I need to be more respectful of the other players with my overall guitar volume.

I need to be more aware of dynamics when playing. There is no reason to be charging full steam ahead through out an entire song. It does not in fact "rock", it actually just borrows intensity during the most intense parts by not allowing any contrast.

And a crucial part of controlling dynamics is that it will allow me to listen more to what everyone around me is doing, thus allowing us to play as a unit, instead of a bunch of people trying to play and sing as loud as they possibly can.

I enjoyed the video a lot. It's great to have a record and to be able to honestly evaluate ones performance.

I hope to work hard and improve.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Under the Spell

Check out my new guitar stand. How great is it that I have this in my living room? All of my instruments out of their cases, ready to go. The last two nights after Angela had fallen asleep on the couch I quietly walked over to the guitar stand and picked up my bass to lay down some tracks.
It feels really nice to be working on my own songs again. Feels like it did back when I was hard at work on the S no S project. This time it's more flexible though. I finally have a home set up that works for making music in again. I'm still using the fostex 16 track which I bought for 800 bucks like 9 years back, but recording into the computer for the most part, and using the fostex for no latency monitoring. It does to a certain extent though degrade my audio path. I could chase my tail forever waiting to have a nice clean path or I could just record with what I have and try and make improvements when I can. This is what I've been doing.

The other night I set down to get some work done on a song I wrote ages ago, with help from my friends Jason and Ginger. A tune that used to be called starry night. It began by Jason and I asking Ginger to provide us a line to start a new song and she said:
"Starry night, high above the treetops..." I really liked that line a lot and for years it was the actually the line that started the song. Over time Jason and I have rewrote many of the lines and soon the song sort of started to evolve, eventually the opening changed from "Starry night high above the treetops" to "Last night I was lost in deep thought". The melody over the years has progressed too but the initial seed of the melody came from the sound of the words that Ginger through out. Jason for his part added many of the lines, and encouraged me greatly by telling me it was his favorite hook that I have ever written. Jason actually contributed the title too "Under the Spell", which really dictated the direction the song started to go in. I hope to actually finish a recording of this song soon, so I can properly credit my good friends with helping me write one of my favorite songs I have ever written.

go anywhere any time you want

Refreshing chill in the air this morning, the subtle seasonal changes of Los Angeles always awake in me a desire for more seasonal changes of the more extreme variety. I would love to go home and pick up Angela and a few changes of clothes and head to Kansas City for a long weekend.

Mom and Dad would pick us up at the airport. I would point out landmarks to Angela on the trip. She would be meeting my dad for the first time. She would soon be noticing how many stupid jokes he makes. Mom would be glowing back at me, happy to have a son home for a short spell.
IN this fantasy we arrive around 11:30am, and head immediately to Adrienne's law office to pick her up for lunch. We choose to travel far across town to the Jazz, by KU Med Center. Adrienne tells an amusing anecdote about some husband and wife who tried to steal their home from the bank. I order fried oysters and plenty of hush puppies. Angela chooses a fried shrimp dish. Dad and I split a big dish of craw fish.
As we leave Jazz and head towards Oddie's new house I like to see leaves turning colors. As we turn down her new street a feeling of jealousy washes over me. It's so cute, so near my friends Jason and Ginger, I consider her lucky and experience pangs of regret that I don't have a home on this street. I remember though, that I love my life and I would never give any part of it up. I think to myself that I can move at anytime, if the desire to live on this cute new street becomes too great.
I'm so proud of my little sister as I tour her new home. It's small and just beginning to be decorated. I wander through every room opening every cabinet and looking in every corner. Adrienne and Angela are laughing about some recited line from a movie which we all enjoy.
"next weekend is no good for me, the Jonas Brothers are in town"
Adrienne Brews a pot of coffee. and we all mill around in the living room, trying to find something to sit on. She apologises for the lack of furniture. It's okay, it just feel good to be here.
Inexplicably a cab pulls up in front of her home. As if by synchronicity of fantasy Devin, Dylan and Spike jump out of the yellow car and skipped to the door with their bags. Smiles and hugs all around. How did this surprise happen? What a wonderful world we live in!
Devin and Dylan take the tour of Adrienne's new home and have a cup of coffee with us. Soon though we all realize we are missing a family member. We load up in mom and dad's car, and Adrienne's car, which she somehow left at home to server the days fantasy, and head to Mom and Dads place in Olathe, where my younger brother Royal awaits.
Royal is so excited to see us. He hopes up and down and bounces from one person to another. Everyone comments on how much Royal and Angela look like one another.
As the sun is just beginning to set we all change into warm clothes and take Royal for a walk. As we are leaving Dad approaches me and hands me a Cuban cigar, which has somehow obtained. Amazing! We all walk through their peaceful neighborhood and wind our way along the creek. Telling stories of things that have happened and the things people have said. The day is passing as if it was just a dream.
When we return home Adrienne, Devin, Mom and Angela attack the kitchen. The proceed to cook a meal full of great bounty.
We gather in the dining room and drink wine and feast. Dylan tells a very funny story and we all laugh, I admire his beard. Dad makes a charming toast with just a hint of a tear in his eyes. Mom, Angela and Adrienne all have tears streaming down their face.
The wine continues to flow as we all watch a movie in the living room after dinner. It's cold outside, It's cozy inside and we all have blankets and each other for warmth. A fire crackles. It has been such a perfect day, and we are all happy to have spent it together.
It is so special to spend time with those we love. Enjoy every moment of everyday, and remind yourself that what happens to us in life are just a means to appreciate what we have. The world is so full of wonderful things, you can't hold on to them and there is no point in trying, just enjoy them while they happen and endeavor to make a priority of the things that really matter, and never fear a fantasy.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Into October

I'm tired today but oh so better for it. Coming out of a fine weekend I'm looking forward to enjoying this week in the context of this month with a new arrived chill in the air. I love October.

Saturday night was the first Invisible Material show. 18 months is a long dry spell, as Ronnie pointed out to me. Playing live again with a band was such a joy. Speaking the musical language, even in the vocabulary of an infant is a blessing! Rocking through 9 songs in half an hour with brother and friends and my girlfriend dancing was worth all the time spent in the basement rehearsal space and later in cascade studios. The world didn't change in any noticeable way, but my world got better.

Last night I went with Devin, Dylan and Angie to see Kylie Minogue in concert. WOW! One of the best shows I've ever seen, at a venue that has such a big place in my heart, the Hollywood Bowl.
While watching the show I had many thoughts that I was trying to remember to share, here is my attempt.

First of all singing at a show. I have been hot and cold to this for sometime but have never really taken a firm concrete stance on the issue, except I have been fairly annoyed at artists who go so far as to yell at the fans for doing this, I think pop musicians need to get over themselves if they do this... Ridiculous. So my concrete stance is now developed and it's this. You should at least for one song sing along at a concert if you know the words. To raise your voice and actually sing along with an artist which has come to entertain you is a valuable participation in the process, your voice adds vibration to the movement and it helps to complete the circle. Enjoy yourself and make your small vibrational mark on the experience.

Second thought. If you have a friend or family member who you respect that has different taste in arts and entertainment than you then pay attention to the things which that person really loves, and ask them to take you along when they go to their favorite of these events (concerts, movies, et cetera). While there as unobtrusively as possible ask them questions about what is going (unless you are at the movies, for god sakes shut up at the movies and ask your questions later). I found out last night just how rewarding this could be. I thought I only new one Kylie Minogue song prior to last nights show, and I couldn't have really given her any more thought than that, but I should have. I had the clues to know that there was more going on with Kylie, both my brother and girlfriend are HUGE fans, yet I remained in the dark. When Angela asked me if I wanted to go I wasn't certain, but I love the bowl and I love spending time with my good friends so I said yes, though our tickets were rather pricey. I will am thrilled now that I went. I enjoyed the show from start to finish. I had a Kylie expert in Devin standing next to me, answering my questions and enriching my experience. Thank you to everyone who was part of last night. It was magic.

Another thought I had, people tend to put down pop musicians as plastic and disposable but I noticed this last night. The stage production that I was last night is responsible for thousands of creative and technical jobs. There is nothing disposable about creating work for people in areas where they make something one of a kind, that fits into a unique whole that brings joy to thousands. Way to go Kylie!

Last thought, I love that Angela cries uncontrollable tears of joy when she loves something. It reminds me of my mother.