Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Awe Shucks...That was deep.

An evening spent relaxing. Dinner at the French Market, followed by reading in bed and sleeping early.
Reading "A Son of the Circus" by John Irving, started slow but has hooked my imagination as I head into the home stretch.
I woke up at 2:00 a.m. my side of the bed drenched in sweat, I am soaked head to foot. I guess my body had some toxic matter to dispense with. Later I dreamed that Shitting Glitter was on a tour of Russia, the details are blurry but I do recall we were treated well so we must have been in demand.
Tonight I intend to rent a room where I can Loudly record my guitar, I am giddy at the prospect.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Slip Walking

Oh me, my rotten head is tired and rather close to being empty. Luckily my hair is still tingling. This weekend was a long one. Saturday we played at the Derby in support of Kelly Mantle's CD release party. It was good fun, and a nice return to a venue I really appreciate. The Derby was the site of my first ever good show with SG, just a bit more than a year ago. This time around our performance was tighter, and the drums much more manageable. It was nice playing with Kelly, he is a very sweet person, and rather talented as well. After the show was mild crazy, Amy and I talking Melissa's ear off with questions. Sunday after fitful sleep Amy proclaims her desire for mimosa's, a downward spiral way to spend a day...

Friday, August 20, 2004

Anarchy in the Library and other things

We had a show a couple nights ago at the Anarchy Library in Downey, we played with The Skates which is Melissa from M.Q. Musik's new band. It was a fun time. The Skates are doing a very unique thing and I look forward to seeing more from them. Our set was decent but I was not all up to the task of playing an entire set. My hands were rather tired and my picking arm is starting to rub itself raw on the body of my guitar, it is an occasional problem where my arm gets lazy and or something, it can be really rather painful. This is the second time we've played the A.L., it's oddly one of my favorite places to play. The owner is very serious about his bar, but does seem to love us. He has showered us in free booze on both occasions of our playing there. I wasn't very pleased with the way he treated Melissa, they had a few feedback problems caused by a set up thingy issue and he was very blunt in incorrectly blaming it on the music itself. I took particular annoyance at someone questioning the artistic merit of a band in their second ever live performance, simply because they had issues with equipment not being up to the task of meeting the needs of their creation. He went so far as to speak on behalf of most of Europe and America, delivering their message that apparently The Skates will not be well received.... On and on with no respect for personal space, not nice things to say in such a manner. Don't speak for me please, and let Europe make up their own mind, Downey is not the seat of the universe, The Skates are a unique band with good songs and that is all that matters, a little feedback never really ruins anyone's good time.
Last night was easy breezy, dinner at Marco's in WeHo, listening to Amy and asking a few questions. My how I love the evening meal.
Sleeping hard under the influence of pot and little golden sleeping pills, dreaming very lightly about things I know. Waking up hard to cuddle and go back to sleep, waking up just as hard 38 minutes later. Leaving the house very late this morning, walking very fast to make up for it.
It seems I am always walking fast to account for my lack of a vehicle. In the evenings a new routine has developed, I take the 217 from the Hollywood/Highland station to Fairfax and Sixth, from there I walk down sixth towards Sweetzer to meet Amy. I could scarcely find a better street for walking then Sixth in this part of town. The tree lined street flashes cozy apartment buildings that appeal to me. I walk fast, even through this peaceful wealth because I am excited to see Amy and get in a car.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Where there's smoke...

A rather triumphant return to smoking grass! After a long lull in usage I willowed away an entire weekend smoking marijuana. We recorded a great deal, and slept far more than usual. How very interesting.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Wound Dead

Play and record over and over amounting to nothing more than good solid practice because my fucking acoustic guitar strings were dead dead dead. I certainly knew better, but I recorded it anyway, I guess just teaching myself a lesson about letting the strings stay on the guitar far too long. Before the poverty I would change my acoustic strings weekly, but that was prior to having to change electric strings before every show, and prior to the poverty.
The point was that I was working on the b-sides for the IW 6 single last night and I was unable to use anything because the strings just sounded bad.
On a good sounding note Amy did a scratch vocal for the minimal version of IW 6 and it sounded wonderful! I think it's going to turn out to be one of my favorite recordings.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Ground Up

Last night I typed an email to my long lost cousin while hitting play and record for my Brother who was playing a beautiful piano part on a keyboard. I'm not the most involved producer but I will on occasion go so far as to make you turkey bacon to get the take. Devin was recording the backbone for a stripped down version of Shitting Glitters next single, "The Incomparable White Six". The windows were wide open so the neighbors got what I consider to be a treat, but nothing is free so if they want to hear the music with out the beep beep click of the click track then they are going to have to fork over just a little cash. And if the neighbors would prefer to hear nothing at all then they best send over some major cash cause no one in our band can pay for studio time.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


My sister and a friend were in our city for a visit this weekend. I do believe Amy and I were drunk for a large portion of it. As the wheel swings, we have rocked our way into a moments sobriety.
During my sisters visit we had many an odd, often prematurely aborted adventures. Friday morning following her arrival Thursday night we decided to hit the beach. A hot, sunny day in Korea Town faded with approaching Santa Monica into a chilly over cast afternoon. We made it only far enough to prove that we did live near the ocean. We stopped for CPK and the turned around.
Friday night proved far more successful, Amy and I proved that we can throw a decent cocktail party at a moments notice, and that it is cheaper for us to drink at home and provide plenty alcohol for all of our friends to get lightly loaded, than it is for the two of us to go out for dinner and then swill away hours in a bar.
Saturday morning well hung, almost as bitchy as Saturday night. Playing Hamburger mare's in the LBC, waiting for karaoke bands to finish, only to suffer sound that had obviously not been carefully planned, or even thought of. A frustrating infuriating experience, like breaking down and fucking someone you hate only to have awful sex.
Sunday to China Town, Kansas girls hate China food. Sunday night at Barney's, straight men are retarded.
Monday to El Coyote, apparently the reigning star of my blog. Arriving a little later than the rest of our party Amy and I noticed a rather ugly woman in a bad turquoise hat looking far more like Steven Tyler than should be recommended. Using the look-alike as a wedge we were able to pry the others from the large circle table near the east bathrooms and shoo them onto the patio, where one can drink much louder. Just before the arrival of our food an acquaintance of sorts happened towards our table, his party had decided upon the Coyote to celebrate and commemorate the fact that the Sharon Tate party had taken their last meal there exactly 35 years ago today. He noticed us only by chance, in entering the dining area his group immediately checked upon the availability of the large circular table near east restroom, now occupied by a less than aware family. Upon seeing the new occupants of the table one of my acquaintances friends shrieked "Those people shouldn't be sitting there, it should be a group like that!" And who should be on the pointy end of the finger, but our party. I'd like to think the Steven Tyler look-alike saved us from a rather hairy fate.


Last night recording continued on the IW6 single. Devin finished off his keyboard parts on the new version of S.H.G.C., I hacked out a rough idea of a guitar part for Guerilla (warfare) and the two of us bopped out most of the idea portions of one last new song. Tonight we continue recording, Devin will record the piano for the alternate version of IW 6, and I will possibly be allowed some acoustic guitar time.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004


I write better poems about nothing. I deal best with meaning at an angle.

Vaguely Annoying

Why even blog if I'm not going to bother writing in a readable form? Some people...Sheesh.

Ebay can be such a pain in the ass, but it is so fun. People are so extra nice cause no one wants to get a bad report card. I think that is so cute!

I should write poems more often. I'll write one now. I've been told it's cheap to write poems about nothing, so I'm going to write this poem about my office dog Buddy, suddenly becoming self aware.

I'm glad I figured out how to get on top of desks,
from way up here I am so much easier to pet,
how long can the hair on my ears grow,
I should get it cut, no, I'll let it go,
It's not really a bother, and they seem to think me cute


Long drive for pride, hard parking and out of control country beer line. Our entire San Diego trip in the balance, todder frodder to either side of a mood. Four people on picnic table, A capable sound man and nothing to lose. Maybe our best show to ever, folks running down the hill, a bunch of hippies dancing. Punks refuse to dance, but they can't fail to tap their feet a little and wonder about their choices. Happy man in a hat tells me at the end that above all else, my guitar fucking rules, pretty happy about that.
Far away hotel, good for sleeping.
Another long drive home.
Kittens miss us.

Scissor sisters management wants to feel out package!! We are happy!!

Rehearsal sounds like shit. All the equipment in the hourly studio could have been purchased for $5. Horrible sinking feeling. Hate bad rehearsal. Feeling very low.
Unexplained trouble sleeping.

Feeling better.

Need very much to get some recordings recorded.

Cycles and circles.