Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A Sidelong Thought

The other night I was watching Lost and I was already thirsty. Then I saw someone on the show pass one of their grimy water bottles to another person and take a drink. For those of you not in the know Lost occurs on a desert island, therefore fresh water is at a premium. Since I was thirsty I then got up and got myself a drink of easily available, fresh, filtered water.

Later that night I was rinsing my face after I washed it and I noticed I was gritting my teeth. I then thought about those poor stranded actors on lost and decided that I shouldn't take fresh clean tap water for granted, and enjoy the process instead of gritting through it. I might one day be on a hit tv show playing an actor suffering through grimy make up all day, those people really would like to rinse their face in clear, clean water.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Six Months and Running

Yessir, it's been six months since I've taken up the task of actively improving my life. I feel good. I have ran at least four days a week for the entire time, I've been taking steps to clear up my financial matters. I've worked six days a week for all but a couple of weeks. It's been good for me and I feel great.

This past weekend was nice. We had a couple of nice birthday events for Angela and got to see many friends. We also got to see the new Batman Movie at the Imax theater and I really deeply enjoyed that.

I had a meeting with my book club people at a place called Chaya in Beverly Hills. We discussed the book Jazz by Toni Morrison, which I enjoyed. It was a nice discussion and helped to reaffirm my commitment to my book club. It was my turn to choose the book and Author, with the stipulation that the author be a Nobel prize winner. I Chose the Tin Drum by Gunter Grass. I've always wanted to read it so it's perfectly motivating for me. I was able to go pick up a used copy for just 2.75 yesterday afternoon and the first chapter has already thrilled me a great deal.