Friday, October 22, 2004


K! Today is Friday. I'm pleased in general today. I've been sitting here at work getting to know my new work computer. It likes me, I like it. Very happy indeed.

We finished the single, I think devin mailed it off today!!! Good boy Devo!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Lost in the Oxbow

A long weekend ends in reality.

Friday was nice, rehearsal @ Satellite Studios, fun fun fun. Drinking and jamming hard. Worked out a new track that has the words "little super hero" in it. It is a really fun song to play and I think it will develop into a crowd favorite. Devin's keyboard is off the hook, like the Doors or the Dandy Warhols. I like to play the octave guitar part on the chorus. It's easy too!

After rehearsal we watched "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" it was wonderful. Absolutely shockingly great.

Saturday was nice and easy. Sleeping in till One or Two. Lunch for breakfast at the French Market. Devin came over during the afternoon and we worked all evening developing an instrumental demo of the new song mentioned in rehearsal above. We also laid down the drums and keyboard for High and Tight.

Saturday night we went to one of Bett's wrestling parties. It was great fun, taking place in a loft at the brewery downtown. I gave a lap dance.

The gig yesterday was an interesting one.

Friday, October 15, 2004

ad astra per aspera

Golly wonkers.
It's been happening around here at a pretty assured rate. First off I've been pulling teeth trying to get the IW6 single mastered. My recording was not of great quality, many things I left to fix in the mix, which is such a shitty lazy way to record, I was embarrassed to send the first rough mix to the master. I think a great deal of hastle came from the fact that I was just learing some of the new systems I used to record this single on, In that respect I learned a fair deal. I also had never been through the mastering process with a song. I think I picked up some pretty useful knowledge about mixing and e.q., only time will tell if I can learn to apply it all. All in all I think when I get some time between myself and the single I will be pretty happy with it. Until then I'm just riding the snake, as they say in certain whereabouts.

The recordings we've started for the album sound great so far. I can't wait to wrap it up and get it all polished. That will be a huge moment for me, getting a full l.p. mastered and pressed. Many stress to come.

I've been having some success in the field of recreational reading. Certain times of my life have seemed to yield up a nice set pattern for reading, in this particular one I seem to steal about five 10 minute periods a day. I'm really enjoying a trick that I have recently discovered regarding the buses I ride everyday. I used to get car sick by reading in the bus, so I was forced to look at the bums on the bus in addition to smelling them. Last month however, I discovered that if I sit in the back of the bus, where there are two benches that face inward instead of forward, that while sitting on one of those two benches I can read without becoming nauseous.
I have just finished reading dickens "The Old Curiosity Shop". I LOVED it!! It was like one of the novels I enjoyed most while reading it. I"m now reading "Anna Kerenin".

Monday, October 04, 2004

Shed Fish (cause I am Crazy and you know it!!)

This weekend was a fun one! Friday night Devin and Coco came over while we did laundry and we all prepared outfits and listened to music and drank and were generally merry. I liked it all very much. Saturday morning the alarms on cellphones went off before 9 a.m. and we all hopped out of bed and into action. Quickly the escape was packed, our P.A., keyboard, guitar, guitar amp, singer, guitar player, keyboard player, extreme go go dancer, suitcase full of t-shirts, make-up boxe full of cds, make-up, outfits and a bear named spike. It was a tight squeeze and some of it had to ride on top of the car but that was fine by it.
The show was bizarre, a strange mix of old gays and lesbians. Just before we played about fifteen youngsters came in so we felt more at home, they bought t-shirts and cds which made us very happy and allowed us to retire to the beer garden and chew the fuck with a band called crushed. All very fun, big thank you to our friend Ren from San Diego who sets us up with fun events to play!
After the show we tooled down to shelter Island to see good friends Judy & VAl from abigails Attic. We slept on their floor, drank all but one of their beers and smoke grass like it grew naturally. It was soo much fun!! I am happy to be back in L.A. working at work and ready to get down to business on recording Free Alongside Ship.
Sitting on tippy toes waiting for a sample of our song IW6 to return from being mastered. New frontiers in making music, it's all good!