Friday, February 25, 2005


The new Nine Inch Nails album is due out May 3rd, The Dandy Warhols album is being mixed, I Have an advanced copy of the new Fisher Spooner cd as well as a burn of the new Electric 6! It is all so exciting. On top of this we are charging towards finishing our record, I am very excited. I recorded my guitar part to a new b-side for the single last night, it is very pretty and moody, the song, not the guitar part.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Dull Plugs

I don't much feel like taking an active role in my office job today. I have a few pieces of paper that I should probably handle, but my desire to do so is pretty minimum. The sun was out for most of my journey to work but already I can see the clouds creeping in.
I suppose I feel decent, I am a bit worn from this weekends over-extension, but all in all I am alive.
We managed to do a fair amount of work this weekend on the single, I am very excited for this one, it will have very unique character.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Laughed his head clean off

Dr. Hunter S. Thompson once wrote something to the effect that only a truly serious man can laugh, through out most of his life I would guess he did just that, but at some point last Sunday night Hunter found the edge, crossed the line and started taking himself too seriously. I didn't know him personally, so my grief is dull. I knew his work, and it meant a great deal to me.
I first read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas while in High School, I bought the hook hard, my male adolescence needed to believe in someone, and it was only possible to put faith in someone as absurd as HST. I went pretty mad for sometime after that, reading all of his catalog save "the curse of lono" which will be re-released soon, and it got me over the hump, kept my attention and had me distracted while I grew up to the point where I could be okay with whatever the truth of it all was.
I was smart enough not to believe in all that he appeared to stand for, I took the parts that fit and used of them for what I could. It is Hunter I owe for my love of F. Scott Fitzgerald, also for Frederick Exley. I can forgive him the guns, and slight pigishness. I don't even fault him for his choice of ends, he wasn't for leaving this world with out a bang, I do hope that Juan was prepared a bit for what he had to find, and I imagine he was.
This past Sunday, instead of hearing the news of his death I was far disconnected from all society has to offer, by a chance of entertainment I was reading to my girlfriend, from Hunters collection of letters. The particular letter I was reading aloud was written to George, a collections attorney from New York, concerning an unpaid London Hotel Bill, he promised George in the beginning and ending of that letter, that this one, would be very different. I'm not sure how the collection offer turned out for George, but when something or someone else, most likely himself, came by to collect from Hunter on Sunday, February 19th, 2005, and I'm sure it was very different.

" of God's own prototypes-a high-powered mutant of some kind who was never even considered for mass production. He was too weird to live and too rare to die.... "

Thanks for all your help Hunter, but as it turns out no one can make the pigfuckers honest.

Friday, February 18, 2005


I am in the middle of coordinating the purchase of a qsc mx1500 power amp on the behalf of Shitting Glitter, I have already negotiated to nearly within our rather meager means. I am bundled excitement in hoping that it works. I do enjoy playing loud, this item will help us to do that. Bring the dance rock, loud and proud.
I'm such a dork, today I have read the entire owners manual for an Item I don't yet own.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Fly butter

Further touching on last edition of the blog. My scraggy attempt at a beard is a physical link to our recording in process. An itchy embarrassing reminder of what is on the plate. It is a sign that I'm investing more, I am willing. It also represents the arch, and the transformation. I have entered the beard cocoon, I will emerge, hopefully with a record I am pleased with, and beard that I can be proud of.

The hairy growth is just wishful thinking.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Shuffle foot

Today is pretty normal. I am drinking coffee. Waiting for the work day to pass. Dreaming about a new power amp for SG. Wondering if it will ever be enough, thinking I am rational and that I can very easily say we have all we need, of course there are other things I would like... But I know better then to pine for them. Just grant me a nice powerful power amp.
I am missing sleeping already. It would be nice. Got in a little late, a lot drunk, we had been at the palms for pleasure dome, which was nice. Good to see Mark, Robert and Bun again.
Worked a bit on the album last night. Edited my guitar parts on Lady Slipper. Thinking about a new guitar part for the chorus of Slut Buffet to replace the old very difficult to play part.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Beards grow records

I've noticed the correlation, people involved in the nuts and bolts side of making great records tend to stop shaving during the process. I could give you examples, but that would just de-rail. So I have stopped shaving, I'm not very good at growing a beard though, and I'm left wondering if this will hinder my ability to make a great record.
Last weekend was restful and productive, I am grateful. We recorded a great deal, there is still a shit heap to be done but that is fine as my beard needs more time.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Nothing Day

Just La La LA, sitting around here at work. Do Do Do.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Warsh Up

Okay... Damn that Brandon. We here at Buckie have had enough of his shit. It is time to take a shovel and clean out the barn. Hey HO! Yessireeboob... Times a wastin'. No more burning daylight.
We recorded a few vocals this weekend. My personal mission is now on a platter.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Not up to it.

I didn't feel like bloggin this week. Blogs you missed because I didn't feel like showing up.

Monday. A blog probably about how tired I was. Maybe I would have talked about The Photo shoot we did this weekend at Daddy Wild's. Perhaps I may have included a smidge about rehearsal and how suddenly I'm a better guitar player than I was.

Tuesday. Could have easily been the same blog as Monday.

Wednesday. Still about being tired. I would certainly have touched on how Devin was over the night before recording parts for Time (clock of the heart).

Thursday. Blog about a strange empty gig downtown.

Friday (today). I probably would not get around to blogging today. We saw the electric six last night at the key club and they were good. Amy and I walked home.