Wednesday, April 04, 2007

as opposed to a bed resting on the floor

I'm listening to Peter Gabriel today. I never really bothered before, If it was on MTV or the radio I would just kind of brush it off because it was just Peter Gabriel. What a dunce I was. In listening today for the first time with real attention, I'm stunned, Loving these sounds.

Yesterday, for unbloggable reasons started bad and stayed that way for most of the day at work. I got home and slowly things got better. It culminated with a fabulous pick up from the craigslist free section. Check it, a new bed frame, head and foot board.

For free! Woah! What a world, seriously. A person puts up an advertisement on this Craig guy's list and then you write him, then before you know it he calls, he lives less then 5 minutes away, and he just gives us this great head and foot board, also a fan, and we are then on our way. Lovely!

Notice the unfinished paint job on the wall, we are getting goofy artistic in there. I like it.

There is really something about raising a bed off the floor that adds to the sleeping experience. Of course it adds a bit more spring action, but psychically it seems to provide a rest from the pull of gravity. Does gravity lessen by any degree the furthur a person gets from the earth, even if it's only a few feet? I should check into that. Would it then mean that sleeping in a high rise would amplify that effect? Lets all think about that.

Do you think Henry and Arthur were pleased with the new bed? Does this psychic gravity relief work for them too? It would appear so. Really though, less than one hour after getting the bed set up and ordered and these two kitties who normally prefer to play the game we call "let's kill each other" are wrapped up in each other sound asleep.

I had a thought last night about Cellphone Camera's. They are often put down as being practically useless, but I on the other hand have really come to embrace them as usefully practical. People get really caught up in the amount of megapixle gigabyte doo dads in technology, and those things are important, but there is also a great deal of value in an item that has managed to incorporate itself into availability in daily life without obtrusion. There is nothing gained by having a higher resolution to a picture you couldn't take because you didn't have your camera handy. So while your camera may be better, my camera is ready.

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