Friday, May 14, 2010

Four Days Down

I didn't get my little snack in the park last night. I drove to the optometrist instead and picked up contacts for Angela and myself. I then had a nice drive through Cold Water Canyon, which I haven't been through in a while. It seemed like I used to take Cold Water at least once a week, now that I'm out of Weho there is not the same need. It's pretty though, and occasionally I miss it. I like certain roads, streets and routes, I get attached to them and I have associations. Even if some of them are awful. Like the time I recall driving my ex home as she was horribly drunk, screaming the lyrics to "Johnny are you Queer?" at me, as if it was an insult, then hurling her half drank beer out the window just to hear it pop on the pavement. Hmm... I'm pretty glad I don't have to drive through that canyon so much anymore.
So after the canyon I went and changed at Devin and Dylan's and then headed to another canyon, Runyon, and me the rest of the boot campers. We did interval runs up the easy way, if you want to call it easy. One minute run to thirty seconds walking all the way up. Boot camp in the canyon is easier for me since I'm used to that kind of working out. I can handle that type of pain pretty well and since I know the distances it's easier to push myself. We finished the session with shuffle steps up the steepest part of the path followed by sprints. Exhausting but rewarding.
After we finished I dropped Robin by the subway so he could head downtown to prepare for and art show fundraiser he was doing and I went home to shower and change so Angela and I could attend. The art auction was in an apartment and was planned to coincide with the monthly downtown art walk. There are so many people in downtown on this night that parking can be a real bastard. Luckily we found a yellow loading only spot, which many people don't realize you can park at in los angeles after 7pm. The apartment was rather packed and steamy but there was plenty of wine and many good friends. We stayed about an hour and then headed home.
I watched a bit of TV and then collapsed on the bed and died for 7 hours.

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