Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day Three Down

Last night was another boot camp in Plummer Park in West Hollywood. I was seriously sore all day long and I had serious doubts about weather I would make it. After my snack in the park I drove to Devin and Dylan's while listening to Aldous Huxley narrate a radio presentation of "A Brave New World". I had found it last week on a website and burnt it down to a disc. I like his voice but something about it put me off. Much of the language stayed the same, but it focused much more on the dialogue. In a way it seemed to be such obvious exposition that it was taking away from my good memories of the book. Perhaps it will treat me better on some long car drive where I can really listen.
I arrived at Devin and Dylan's to see a strange site. The only available parking space I could find was behind an old school mustang parked next to a school. The trunk was open. There was a man kneeling next to the curb. He had a bottle of what appeared to be tequila in one hand and a double shot glass in the other. In the time it took me to park I watched him down 3 double shots. He looked at me and said nothing. I tried to remember that I've probably done things in the streets of west Hollywood that would have appeared just as creepy, so I let him be. I was hoping that at least his car would still be there when I returned, so that I would know he wasn't driving anywhere. It was.

Boot camp was really hard, perhaps the hardest night yet. I felt good when it was over, but exhausted. Angela was planning to go see a movie with our friends Rebecca and Loren, "Behind the Burly Q". I told her I would be too tired to go and that I would stay home and go to bed early. On my way home though I started to feel like I hadn't seen her all week, and I decided to suck it up and go. I was glad I did. We ate at Sushi Dan's, because we both love the baked scallop California roll. Yummy. The movie was very interesting and informative telling from interviews exactly what it was like to be a Burlesque performer from the 20's to 50's.

Today I feel less sore. My body actually feels a bit trimmer and I'm encouraged. 1 Hump day is down, 3 more to go.

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