Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 14 done, don't get all butt hurt

Between sidways bear crawls on day 13 and last nights runyon canyon experience my ass is very sore. Yesterday we did something that could only be considered a human tractor pull. We were instructed to bring our rubber resistance bands to the canyon, which I knew meant trouble. They are rubber tubs with 20 that provide pounds of resistance and have a handle on each end. The resistance weighting was not important for this exercies. We all ran to near the top of the canyon in the center most path until we neared the steepest part. Then we partnered up and one person wrapped the tub around the other's waist and stood behind them holding the two handles. The person in front then had to run approximately 300 meters to the top of the hill driving their knees high while the person behind them walked slowly and held them back. We took turns doing this three times each. Robin instructed us that the trip to the top was to take no less than five minutes. The first one was a real bastard, the second one a bitch and the third a real mother fucker. Honestly. On my last trip up Robin decided that my partner was not providing enough resistance so he held on for a while as well. One of our fellow boot campers, Luther, was there taking pictures as well. I'm sure Ill show up in all my red faced glory with a band tight around my bulging stomach in every concievable corner of the internet from here until the end of the digital age. Oh me.

So I'm sore. Tonight is the end of week three. I'm happy and feeling good.

1 comment:

Devin Tait said...

I hate bear crawls.