Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Movements Onward

Lots of things happening with the irons in the fires, but still there is waiting to be done.
The weekend was fairly nice. Friday we jutted about and went to the parlor for Brick Tops, sadly the parlor will be shutting the doors for good sometime in the near future.
Saturday we went to an Outfest screening of the movie "Kiki and Herb Reloaded". It was fun and the duo even performed afterward for a spell.
Sunday I drove out to Malibu to work on the record. I had more fun than I've had in a long while, it is such a big thing for me to be in a studio environment working on this album, hearing and enjoying how it sounds. Thinking to myself as I hear the songs that these are songs that I would want to put in the cd player and play over and over again. Sitting there looking over a shoulder at the work being done and feeling that this is what I like most to do, and that it would be a very bad idea to not work towards the goal of doing this for a life's work.
The music itself is sounding nothing shy of amazing. I am a titter.

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