Thursday, July 14, 2005

Makes Perfect

I've been reading Citizen Hughes about Howard Hughes' depths of utter madness. I have been enjoying it very much but since the book is culled from memos Howard wrote himself I wonder what kind of effect his logic rhythm is having on my inner dialogue. I don't feel like cutting my fingernails.
No real news today on the album front. It's hard not knowing. Waiting and wondering while someone else plugs away, or doesn't plug away, as is his right, being that we are getting the deal of the century to have our work mixed and mastered. I'm so excited to hear this album, 13 songs all banging off each other, sonically more advanced then anything I've ever had my hand in. It definitely makes me wonder what the future has in store. Having raised the bar every time out, how much higher can the bar go before we can't clear it? These questions and many others will be answered, all in time. Why be in a hurry Buckie? This is the reminder portion of our digitals... It's in the living and the making, not in the end. It's in the anticipation. The perfection of patience.
Tonight we rehearse at cole studios in the media district. I am looking forward to it. I've recently realized that I should be playing more guitar, with that in mind I brought a tiny acoustic guitar from home to leave at work. Hopefully a guitar available at work will allow me to steal some moments to practice.


Devin Tait said...

Practice makes perfect.

downtown said...

Dude! Howard Hughes? I received an entire "unit of instruction" on his amusing insanity during my training as a Paramount Page. While Studio Head, Howard installed a special screening theater that seats about 50.

Legend has it, he would lock himself in there alone for days, with kleenex boxes on his feet, watching and re-watching his fave flicks. Prospective Paramount Pages are group-interviewed in this theater (which smells rather musty). A 20-minute "History of Paramount" film runs automatically there every 1/2 hour. Pages/tour-guides had the choice to "show the movie" or skip it. Pages who "showed the movie" were considered rather slacker-ish... it was a 20-minute break. However:
1) the tourists LOVED the movie
2) it was fucking HOT on the lot during peak tour season.

Thank you, Howard Hughes, for building that theater. You'd best believe I "showed the movie" on almost every freakin' tour.