Monday, July 18, 2005

Just Shoot Us

Nice time this weekend. Friday night Amy and I were guests in the home of Devin and Dylan Tait-Tucker. We enjoyed a fine visit.
Saturday we woke up early an energized. We had a lovely drive around los angeles in the morning, enjoying fine refreshment and listening to the radio. We soon ventured to Border's books, where we listened to a bit more music, and browsed about a bit.
Saturday afternoon we visited a new friend Cameron, the animator. Cameron shared many tales of super hero's and super villains, we listened intently.
After a having a few throughout the afternoon I was sufficiently buzzed enough to endure getting my hair cut at shorty's. As luck would have it my stylist seemed to be sufficiently buzzed in order to cut my hair. I rather enjoyed this hair cutting experience and I might go so far as to say it turned out just rosey.
Saturday night Marc Loren had a party, Devin Amy and I attended, later accompanied by Cameron. It was a lovely affair. Much trading of stories, past and present, a few people even consumed some alcohol beverages! Oh my, the silly things you can see at parties like this. Such as Amy trying to adopt an 18 year old girl child. I think Amy will make a fine mother.
Sunday We ventured to the home of Tigrefino Productions to have our pictures taken. The complete set of Shitting Glitters attended, including the extreme Go Go's! We must have been quite the spectacle in Mac Arthur park because many of the sunday picnic people stared rather hard. I think we probably informed a few young people with our very presence.
Our day in the park and in the photography studio was filled with many highlights including: Laying down in a pile of dirty off brand fruit loops, which just happened to be lying around. Sticking our smiling heads through a bridge railing. Standing around next to some big rusty balls, causing one bystander to exclaim: "I may not know much about corrosion, but I do know I've got some big rusty balls!"
We were all very pleased with our day so we decided to venture to a beer garden called "the red lion inn". My German heritage really flared up in the beer garden!
I had a lovely weekend.


Devin Tait said...

I loved the Red Lion Inn!!! German German German! We're having bierocks night at my place soon.

downtown said...

Deutschland icht ein wienerschnitzel! Gemutlicheit, schadenfreude, strudel, wundershowzen, kraut... I could go on and on, if I knew any more German.
Does anybody acknowledge a sneeze with "Gezundheit" instead of "bless you" anymore?
And, pray tell - what are "bierocks"? Sounds like an evil combo I once indulged in...