Monday, July 25, 2005

Is it is just too Bizarre

I must pass on this email in its full form, as an attempt to document. I am utterly baffled and more than a little pleased, it's nice to see someone have such strong reaction, but at the same time puzzling.
here we go, from "Ferguson Riley" :
I am a fan of your band minus the name. I like your music and i hate your name. It has got to go if you ever want to be sucessful. Its just not marketable. Dont get me wrong, some people like the name, but it is a joke name. I've heard people say the same thing behind your back. Instead of keeping it a secret i would rather let you know. Here's an example, no band with a swear word in the title has ever been sucessful. Your band name is a representation of you as an artist and with a joke name like Shitting Glitter, it seems self defacing and like you dont take yourself seriously. Please consider this and keep on making good tracks.

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