Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Prepare the Bomb Drop

I Printed out like 80 pages of this thing today in preparation for bombardment. My poor friend Jason will have to read an entire year of Buckie.
Mr. Rucker,
If you are reading this you have either skipped ahead or been a good boy. I don't imagine you as the type to ever jump over paragraphs that could contain slanderous remarks on your general character but if you have you are a trusting soul. I imagine you actually have stuck it out and read this strange package, and I'm sure you often wondered what the hell I was even talking about, or who some of these strange people are, I am afraid when I went back and read this fucking thing I often thought the same way. I guess I'm trying to say don't look for to many answers from this guy right here, he is as puzzled as the rest of me.
I've had some fun preparing a package for you, I have had to really fight the urge to send it off a little early, I'm kind of a pervert sometimes.

1 comment:

downtown said...

I consider myself smart... some might say "smart as a Wipp" (HA!)... but I'm lost on this one.
Does Buckie have a crush? He sounds like a smitten 7th-grade girl.
Have you written "Buckie + Jason" 100 times on your Geometry notebook?
I'm just messin' with ya. And I'm just curious. Please, for your bloggy fans who are "out of the loop"... please explain. I'm dying to know!
PS - I'm doing fine otherwise, seriously. Things are WAYYY better.
luv ya!