Friday, June 10, 2005

Happy Blog Day! Or how even I can keep a journal for a year if I'm are being paid to do it

It all goes in circles. The first entry in my blog, one year ago today was all about getting over a hang over. Today I am not so much hung over as I am exhausted. I was up till something like 3:30 last night. The alarm sounding at 6:45 was not fun.
It has been fun writing down whatever stupid things come into my mind, and I hope I can continue to do it. Next year on the blog birthday I think poor Dan will have to get the hard copy.
And now a few last words to Jason.
So that is that, a year in the life vaguely described by a humble office manager. There were some high points and some low points, but in the interest of truth I must say I think the extreme low and the extreme highs were more alluded to then struck head on. It ain't all roses, but it ain't all a stocking full of coal. We wake up, we work, we eat and dream, it's all in a hard day's life.
Think hard about that Jason folk/country album, that sounds like a real winner to me.

I think I'll end this here year with a poem, and like most of my poems it could be about nothing, of course I don't know yet, because I'm still typing the intro.

Main course fry flies have wings that cut glass, shards of flutter falling in spiral symptoms, we are all the stricken with a cure to tough to take, to pure for that type of delusion, all pancakes piled high, all lights lead to here, you get the picture I get the negative, elect to office of opposite, and remember the darkest places hide the most excitement, unless you feel otherwise then it's all good anyway.

I guess I was really not up to that.
I'm going to call it a year, I'm really tired. There is a lot of tired in this blog.

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