Monday, June 13, 2005

Nights with the Devil

I am so very proud... This was a weekend of utter silly. I am not really much for taking care of my self some times. We began the debauchery around 5:45 pm, and it ended sometime late last night. Amy and I actually woke up on the sidewalk near our home, wondering how long we had been there and why... I don't know if anyone has the answer to this question. I don't know that I want to know.
It was a long strange journey. We had a party at Devin and Dylans home, then we had a backrub on their porch at 7:00 a.m., we made a new friend, who's luck didn't show up to help her through Saturday.
Sunday was just darling. The parade was wonderful, the gay was everywhere. The festival was a trip of trying to hold tight to the Amy leash.
I am tired, I am not worth a great deal today. I am in a strange way not very bothered by my lack of ability to think.

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