Friday, November 21, 2008


It's now dark when I get off work. I really don't like that. I really don't understand daylight saving time. It really musses things up for me. I had for the past 8 months been enjoying the routine of stopping off on my way home from work to run on soft dirt and steep hills each day the sun and the earth had been slowly adjusting their positions which was allowing for a nice variety in temperature and light quality. Then of course humans threw their hand in and in that hand was an axe. Like most things human their was no subtle action involved. Chop Chop. Suddenly in one adjustment from those meddling hands my evenings were changed. Too dark now to run on steep hills and soft dirt.
I'm now left running on concrete and through traffic on much flatter surfaces. It's not so peaceful but its not horrid. I am just glad that I am still enjoying it 9 months in. In fact I still love to run. It's such a nice feeling and I feel better all the way around in life because of it.
Last week when one of my bosses was ill I found myself needing to get to work a bit earlier. I suppose it makes up for all the times I was late in the years prior to this one. I started setting my alarm a little earlier each day and would you know I didn't totally hate it? I wasn't completely exhausted, or any more so than I usually am at the end of day. I actually like it. So last Friday even though the boss was back in good Health I still woke up early. I didn't though rush off to work. I walked into the living room near two sleeping cats and started to do some push ups and sit ups. It was nice. Having worked my lower body so much in the past year my upper body was starting to get jealous.
I have continued this new morning exercise routine all of this week. It's been very nice to me. I feel much better throughout the early part of my day. I eat better in the mornings and for lunch having put in the time to work on improving my physical condition.

It's all around ups.

Keep it ups.

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