Monday, November 24, 2008

Have a look... See

Good Morning. I've been blogging a lot lately and I'm only 2 posts away from 500 so I am going to throw up a bunch of pictures here today to pad my stats.

Angela and I feel that this is how Simone looks best, with no ears... you be the judge.

Frusciante has had a very full day at this point, he can't be expected to look perky all the time.

This lovely store is "Tiger LA" at Venice and La Brea. Grr!

This is how Frusciante gets so tired.

Craig's new dog Nikki is also very tired. She is a lovely rescue pup. She will take any love that you have to give. Sometimes that love makes her this sleepy though.

Nikki and I pal around in the office.

Bridget and I pal around in the office.

Buddy does his impression of me in the office.

Here is a bottle of 1978 Dom Perignon that my Craig gave me as a joke. He wrongly assumed that since it was 30 years old it wouldn't be any good. However, it was refridgerated for the last 20 of those years. I had a hell of a time removing the cork but once I did there was the familiar pop and then the taste of liquid gold. Okay, so it maybe was a Tiny bit past it's prime but how could I tell? We drank it lovingly.

A face anyone could love.

Pink Light bulbs! Amazing! Where you ask can you find pink light bulbs? Sunday we went to a crazy estate sale. This woman must have lived in this same house since the 40's and collected pink light bulbs the whole time by the look of it.

Here are some lovely glasses which Angela purchased for 8 dollars. The estate sale was made even more odd by the fact that the entire staff running the sale happened to be hearing impaired. I wonder if that was by chance or design? You can't haggle so well with a language barrier. I did haggle the glasses down from 10$ to 8$ by simple showing the man the cash. He looked at the cash and the glasses, then he grabbed the money and hit me with it. He then smiled and nodded yes. It was adorable.

After a long day people and kitties get tired. You do to.


Devin Tait said...

I just drove by that Tiger store the other day! Weird.

Scarlet said...

How fun to look at the pictures of Angela's cats and Angela, too. I enjoyed your captioned pics.