When I sit and consider my country and the people I know I get very confused. I don't understand why so many people have so little, and yet they fight so hard for people who have so much to keep everything they have, no matter how unjust the method in wich the abundance was attained is. The new Michael Moore makes the point that most of them believe that they are special, and one day they will be a member of the Haves, instead of the Have Nones. I suppose this is all to true.
Our society and our popular culture exists on the very idea that there are certain people among us that are more special than everyone else. And as we all grow up watching television and movies and listening to music where the performer is far more important than the performance or the content of the performance. We are only allowed glimpses of these chosen special individuals, carefully controlled prism views into their life, where each detail has been poured over and calculated for maximum impact.
And deep in our heads as we grow up in this country there is a voice and it is telling each of us, "you are a special one". The words are echoed by your parents and teachers. "You are special" It is a gold star on our school papers or the gold medal on our chest at athletic events.
Deep down as Americans we all believe we are special. And when you feel special isn't it natural to feel a little bit entitled to rewards befitting your standing? Don't you deserve just a little more? A bigger house and a larger piece of the pie?
Even if you are not currently recognized as the special genius that only you yourself know you to be. You know one day that is all going to change. One day they will all know just how much you deserve.
All people can't be equal, and special. Inequality exists because it's there, not everyone has it all figured out like the special people do. That is why they are poor. That is why they have no health care. They are not special people.
"America is the greatest country in the world"
"You are special"
Oh, to be from the greatest country in the world and be special.
This is a dangerous mind set. This not only destroys the drive for equality, but justifies the necessity of inequality, it's a natural symptom if something is the best, that there must then be inferior things. It's natural. It's maybe even gods will?
All around America the cracks are starting show. Many people have traveled abroad and seen how the other half lives. They have come back to us and their message is confusing. It is counter to what we have heard our entire lives.
"America is the greatest country on earth"
"You are special"
Life in America for many boils down to a contest, and we would rather win than be right, than compete fair. Win and be number 1 at any cost, at any price.
This is why people fight for massive corporations that generate absurd profits at such a great cost to so many people they crush. People here really do believe that one day that company could be theirs. They believe that such absurd "success" is a natural result of being special.
People fight positive social change that helps everyone simply because they do not want it. They do not care. They do not believe that the person who makes their triple Decker burger deserves health care. They do not believe that the little brown woman down the street deserves a guaranteed retirement account. They do not believe that corporations should have to answer to anything but the bottom line. They believe they are special and that they live in the greatest country on earth.
They have no idea what really makes this country great, and they have no concept of how truly special that is.
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