Monday, August 20, 2012

Uplift Novels - David Brin

Back in June when I went to Kansas for a family reunion I got to raid my old book collection.  I am a re-reader.  If I loved a book the first time around, I generally want to and will read it again.  This perplexes my father and other readers I know.  My dad's argument is that you already know all the characters and plot events, and unless your memory is awful, with the amount of unread books in the world there is no reason to revisit previously read books.  I understand this point of view, but I guess we differ in that to me the act of reading isn't just about learning who did what to who.  I don't really think this is why my father reads either, but perhaps it does explain why he turns a page faster than anyone I have ever met.  Having established the objections and the proclivity I resume raiding my the book collection at my parent's house.
I knew long before this trip that Intended to grab all six novels in the two uplift trilogies by David Brin.  One evening I was telling Angie about the books, something cute about dolphins in the books I'm sure, and I was suddenly overwhelmed with the desire to revisit the series.  I originally read these books sometime in the years of 2000 & 2001, or as best as I can recall.   The first time around I started with the second set of three, which had more recently been published.  After finishing the second trilogy I turned around and read the first one.  This time around I really wanted to approach them in published order.
I've now completed the first trilogy and started in on the second.  I'm having a blast diving back into the universe Brin created.  I barely recalled reading "the uplift war" the first time around, I must have been drinking in the bath tub for the majority of it.  I remembered enough bits towards the end to know that I finished it, but I didn't even recall the plot.  Perhaps in addition to not reading as fast as pops I might not have the same steal trap memory (oddie, I do happen to have his internal clock).

I would summarize the plot and all the great stuff, but the internet doesn't need that, read it here.

1 comment:

aes9999 said...

That comment didn't get past least i have both internal clock AND steal trap memory...