Friday, August 24, 2012

One Sided Saga pt. 5

sleepy Monday, December 10, 2001 6:22 PM

i'm so much jealous that you've been to europe. how old were you when you went? any european details would be read and appriciated.

i wouldn't really worry about sounding like an idiot about religion. i'm not what you would call a religous person. infact it seems we probably have alot of common ground. it gets pushed to the fore front of my mind alot because i work in a christian facility, and i really don't consider myself a christian. i agree with alot of their principals involving human interaction but i don't much go for the value system. i'm still trying to figure the whole thing out so i guess that i'll remain a little vague on the point. i would like to hear/read more into your views....

i went on a little quest to western kansas this weekend so i'm very much the tired one. i went back to see some family and friends. i had a good time, got to party with my uncle who's kind of my rock and roll mentor. the town i went to was hays, where i went to high school. the city wide hobby there is binge drinking, which at times can be fun, but when you move away you get out of practice, and it can kind of kick your ass.

do you have a favorite inanimate object? if so, what is it and how long have you known it?


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