so like, i meant to have my hiaku finished and turned in by the due date. i always have the very best of intentions. it's just like, sometimes, well i'm easily distracted. like this guy once said in this one movie, i'm my own worse distraction. your hiaku rocked. thanks so much for taking me seriously enough to write a hiaku. i promise i'll have mine done by the end of the month. i suppose i should have written one when it first struck me, but it just seemed like i'd done enough work just coming up with the idea...
my weekend was decent like. friday just went to the pub on santa fe with my two crazy cats dan and kurt. just being lazy and cool at the pub. not feeling especially social. saturday dan and i cruised over to lawrence to see an old high school friend of mine. he graduated from ku last year only to turn around and get a job there. now he has the same lifestyle, just gets paid poorly for it. it was pretty fun, i got to play presidents and assholes! havn't played that forever, ever play?
my sis was also in town this weekend. she goes to school at kansas state. she's two years younger than me.
how's your dog?
questions are better. i've already asked two. you can ask as many as you like, but much like my failure to fufill my end of the hiaku thing, i may not answer timely.
lets go back to an old email. i was thinking today that maybe my answer to your co-dependacy question was too abrupt. did you want to delve a little. i've never much talked about it with her, but i know when i was way younger my mom used to read books on co-dependancy. her father was not the greatest of men, and it took my mother along time to get over the enviornment she grew up in. i have a tremendous amount of respect for how my mother came to understand and improve herself.
i heard a mariah carey song today and i thought of you. ofcourse now i know you more as emails then the person i talked to at a bar, so it seemed a little strange. but then again, i suppose i'm a little strange, but so we all are.
are you a person of passion?
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