Friday, August 12, 2011

We're Moving Van, We're Moving Van

It's time to move yet again. Angela and I have decided to move to Hollywood. Our current quiet life in Atwater Village has been at times to quiet and too loud. While it was good for us to move out into what feels like the sticks, and be a 30 dollar cab ride away from going out, it has lately started to feel isolating from our friends. We want to walk more places and be out of the house more. At the same time our quiet building has become anything but, it's become Lord of Flies every evening with bands of roving screaming banshee children. I like kids, love them in fact, I just don't need to have other people's children in my daily life that I can't scold or spank. A locked gate is no substitute for actually spending time with your children, or hiring a baby sitter when you are too lazy to watch them. So all of this and a desire for a change has led us to move back to Hollywood. We won't always be this age, so we kind of want to make the most of it while we are. Suburban living is not yet for Angela and Me.
On top of my excitement in living back in the thick of it all, I'm also pleased to report that this is my first 2 bedroom apartment. In typical non traditional form we have again decided the bed should be in the living room and that the two bedrooms will be for Angela and I to each have our own creative space. This is mad crazy exciting.

1 comment:

Scarlet said...

I love your bed in the front room! It is so "out of the box"! But to have your own creative spaces is genius!! Happy Moving Van!!