Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Hot Little Cave

Dreams can come true. Ever since I've lived in Los Angeles I've wanted to have a lock out rehearsal space. I guess the term lockout implies that all other bands are locked out of your space, and it's yours all the time. The financial reality of renting any space in Los Angeles makes total lockout impractical for me at this time, so our space is shared with 2 other bands. It does mean large musical gear can be stored out of our home now, and that I I have a space to make loud noise at least 2 nights a week. At least one of our fellow bands practices very little, so there is a bit more time up for grabs.
I moved in a load of speakers and amps this past sunday. I couldn't help but plug in my guitar for some fun while I was there. It felt very nice.

Our lockout came about because Angela is taking up drums and has been very interested in having a space to practice. She worked her contacts and very quickly this space fell right into our laps. It was a perhaps a little sooner than we anticipated it happening but the deal is too good to pass up.

1 comment:

Scarlet said...

Looking good, enjoy!!