Thursday, March 05, 2009

A day within a day

I think this little advertisement cart pictured below is hilarious.

I dreamed that I woke up at 7:58 today and I was in a huge panic because I was going to be late to work. The thing that's funny is that I wouldn't even be late waking up at that time, I just wouldn't be getting there early like I have been. Its funny, I used to wake up at that time everyday, now it made me panic.

In the dream when I was rushing around I realized that I was actually still asleep and not at all late. I then woke myself up, one minute before my alarm was set to pop.

I have had a song lyric I though of going through my head

"To think I'm lucky that I have to go to work"

1 comment:

Scarlet said...

Write that song!