Tuesday, August 28, 2007

If you get a giggle

Today Devin and I were talking about the Band Voice of the Beehive, we were talking about a cover of a Led Zeppelin song, and he said this, which I found hilarious:

"they used to play it live all the time on that old VHS tape I have of their live shows."

It's not so funny now that I look at it again, but I still get a chuckle.

The other day Amy and I went to the video store, then the convenience store next to it. The clerk at was having a hard time getting a bag for my items, so I told him I'd just carry it. He then told me:

"What happens when you force something unnecessarily?"

which due to his rather heavy accent prompted me to ask:

"Come Again?"

"What happens when you force something unnecessarily?"

This time I understood his question, but not immediately why he was asking it. After some consideration I realized his meaning and I said:

"It Breaks for no reason"

and he said:

"Exactly, I'll get you a bag"

Walking around the corner from the store I had a pretty fine smile about that exchange. I think I will go back to that store more often. What else might this strange man have to say?

1 comment:

Scarlet said...

You are a rare soul who listen so closely to a stranger!