Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Dig Dug In

Weekend passes in a blur, paying heed and mind.

Saturday's trip to Malibu to Seamonster Sounds was worth while and re-affirming. Hearing the progress helped out a great deal, I am very pleased. My feet are on the ground, I'm standing around waiting now for the album to complete.

Sunday was a Hooty Hoo. The booze cruise was just lovely fun. I didn't have any idea what to expect but it proved to be totally fun. The strangest thing happened to Amy, we were standing in line at the bar, talking to this sporty dyke and her friend, when the sporty dyke says to Amy: "You remind me of my first girlfriend Julie!" Amy says: "Julie Williams?" S.D. Says: "Yes" Amy:"Did she play baseball?" S.D.:"Yes". After the dust settled a bit it was decided that they had in fact both lived with the exact same Julie Williams. This is the only ex of Amy's that she has no contact with, that refuses in fact to have anything to do with her. The whole event still seems strange and unreal.

After the cruise Amy and I walked through Sunset Junction, which did not at all hold our attention, we decided then to go the Frolic Room on Hollywood Blvd. We found ourselves too distracted on the subway to actually remember to get off at Vine, instead we went to the valley, got another train ride back to Hollywood and ventured instead to the Snake Pit, where we swilled beer and met all kind of folk.

This week has been restful. Watched the rest of season 4 Six Feet Under. Cleaned the house top to bottom. Started eating nicely for my body again. Feeling pretty good all things considered.

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