Monday, August 01, 2005

L.A. Birthday

I have been in Los Angeles for three years now. It feels much longer than that.

This Saturday we packed up the band and drove to San Diego to play once again, their Gay Pride. The drive down was god awful and took 6 hours. Amy and I tried to keep the rockin' intestine up the entire time but alas we crawled to a halt around hour number 5, we pulled into the barn on rockin' fumes.
Our head quarters for the weekend was the fabulous Pickwick hotel on the edge of the gaslight district. I am kidding when I call it fabulous. At least the bar had cheap beer.
Sunday morning we awoke to find that our Go Go Dancer's car had been towed, we dealt with the issue then ate breakfast.
The show itself was good, but I think we were all expecting that it might be great, so good turned out to be a bit of a let down. Our fault for expecting too much I guess.
really in any other circumstance we would have been thrilled to death.
I think I'm a little burned today... I'll blog about my LA Birthday tomorrow.

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