Thursday, September 09, 2004

Whole proof of improvement

I'm awake today and much better off for it. I left home earlier than I ever do and I had a can of soda and a package of turkey bacon in my back pack. It did not take me long to appreciate the warm air on my slow walk to the bus. I could feel my self in a better head and I reacted in the positive.
Yesterday morning sucked, I couldn't get a handle on it, just kept getting away from me. I felt in a panic about our band, in a panic about cash. Just a big weight pressin' down... "Take a load off Brandon"... I wrote emails hoping to get responses with something sticking out of to hold onto. I pressed hard enough and before the working day ended the people that matter most had managed to give me a hand hold, I took hold and today feel thankful.
Last night was not as pressed as I thought. I broke my second and only low E, the second night in a row. We did laundry, sober, which is not really as fun as the drunken laundry that we normally do. It's really a good time to keep a cooler full of beer in the car and sneak a 7-11 cup full of brew into the gay disco laundry mat and drink and watch the wardrobe spin. Last night it was just nice to crawl into bed still inside my own temper.
Once inside bed a little marijuana reward was in order followed by the bizarre spectacle that is "The Mayor of Sunset Strip". It was funny watching this little troll of a boy navigate through life, it was also sad and disgusting. There were enough dashes of inspiration that a young Hollywood band can use, but there is also exposed in all it's ugly detail that wall that separates today's world and today's music with the music of Rodney's life which didn't have to try and block the divider out of the frame or keep it out of the groove of the record.

1 comment:

Brandonbodt said...

It's funny, less tahn a year later I bumped into the little Troll Rodney while walking home. I actually bumped into him enough times and on enough occasions to allow me once to have a Shitting Glitter cd with me. I gave it to him and told him our singer was a big fan, she isn't, but he doesn't need to know that because he is too old. He was a turd, reading our name scared him into looking around fro the FCC, he then told me we'd have to change it. I think it's pretty funny, but it's also sad.