Wednesday, September 01, 2004

A Son of the Circus

No recording last night, those bastards at the sound arena had it all booked up. So tonight I have a room, 2 hours is all I get to get it right... It's only three songs so what the hey, I bet I can pull it off.
Finished reading "A Son of the Circus" last night. I've nothing profound or arty to say about it other than I liked it and think it was a damn fine creation. I am now reading "The Making of the African Queen" by Katherine Hepburn, delightful piss-whip that she was.
Have been as of late taking many fine meals at a cozy little place on Hayward just a stones throw north of Santa Monica called "Pizzetta" They don't sell booze but you can bring it in, which works out on the cheap. The sauce on the pizza we had last night was so spicy that my entire face was sweating, but damn fine none the less.

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