Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Knee Deep in Feet

I forgot to wear my glasses to work today, I used to forget quite often but in the last Six months or so I have not forgotten at all. I remember now that I used to think it was rather fun, being a degree or two more than usually removed from the world. Somehow taking away the crispness of vision dulls out more than just the visual world. There is some space created in my brain by not having to read far away signs or look closely at people. Today all that extra power saved by not wearing glasses is focusing on the self. Oh me...
I think me in a funk of sorts, or at least feeling a little funking.
I can't manage to eat properly. Every morning I get to work a half hour early, not because I'm a go get it all kind of person but because I'm humbled every single day by the fact that I can't manage to have a car. So in my half hour after arriving to work I walk over to Vallarta supermarket, and proceed to find the most processed foods for consumption. Maybe it's a culture gap but there doesn't seem to be any real food in a Vallarta supermarket, So I end up with lunchables and little chocolate donuts, or hot pockets and frozen pizza.
If the bad food I eat at work is not to be the death of me I imagine the fact that I daily jay-walk across Vineland avenue in a sleep deprived state shoving little chocolate donuts in my mouth will. Should I have the poor fortune of living long enough I'll just have to have a back transplant because my chair is a big mess of uncomfort.
My blog is getting so emo today, and to take it further, one of the guys I work with just walked in to tell me that John Kerry was planted by the republicans to ensure an election victory for Dubya. I can't even begin to pick a part that mess...
I am really rather tired, and there is no sense in getting down to the truth in a blog.

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