Monday, June 14, 2010

So Dark It's Light

I did a fair amount of work on getting some Turbo Sunshine songs set up for rehearsals with my self and Angela. I transferred 10 tracks out of my Digital Audio Workstation on my computer and into my R16. I plan to begin jamming them out now to see which ones feel like they need guitar and which ones don't.

The rest of the weekend was spent really putting our house into shape. We should be totally ready for the arrival of my parents the weekend after next. That is exciting.

I missed the last 2 days of the week last week working out so I made sure to get in a really hard work out on both Saturday and Sunday. I did a low weight hi rep workout Saturday and a pretty hard interval work out on the elliptical yesterday. I'm sore, I like it.

I am excited about hitting vegas with Invisible Material this weekend. I feel like our set is down tight and that we will really enjoy ourselves. I love rock and roll.

1 comment:

Scarlet said...

Good luck in Vegas, but most of all, as you said, have fun! I hope someone is going to tape it!