Friday, January 02, 2009

2009: The Year of 12 Tooth Brushes

Yesterday as I was brushing with a new tooth brush I suddenly found myself enjoying it a great deal more than I usually enjoy brushing my teeth. I stepped out of the bathroom after completing my cleaning and mentioned to Angela how much I enjoyed my new tooth brush. She echoed my sentiment, for we both got a new tooth brush at the same time, it happens like that when you live together. She then said we should get a new tooth brush every month, in fact she said, that should be our new years resolution.
There you have it folks. My resolution for the new year. A new tooth brush every month.

I'm off to pick up Devin and Dylan at the airport. I'm glad it's a Friday afternoon in 2009.


Scarlet said...

Don't forget the floss!

Devin Tait said...

That's a good resolution! I was on the plane back to LA when I realized I hadn't made one. Oh well, let's see what happens without any new years resolutions... probably the same thing as when I made one.