Monday, April 14, 2008

Living Well is the Best Revenge

We have not succeeded in answering all your problems. The answers we have found only serve to raise a whole set of new questions. In some ways we feel we are as confused as ever, but we believe we are confused on a higher level and about more important things.
-Anonymous quote taken from the radio show Car Talk

I've been working hard at improving my life on all fronts, in many areas I still lag but I will not be dwelling on those today, instead I'm just going to focus on the good.

I've been running and hiking like a mad man. 5 to 6 days a week. During the week I've found the best thing that I can do is to take my running clothes and shoes to work with me, changing in the restroom here right before I leave for the day. I then take my normal route towards home (or whatever passes for a home these days)stopping halfway through nichols canyon to run on the Astral Drive Trail. I can't stress enough how important this step has been towards overall improvement. If something is bothering me during the day I usually am able to completely work it out or if nothing else take a needed break from it while I run. I've now been running regularly for 6 weeks.
One observation that I have made about running is perhaps that running without an Ipod or other portable music listening device is ideal. I have tried both methods throughout my life, and perhaps it's my choice of music but I've found that I don't relax as much when I listen and run. I also tend to run too fast and not be adventurous with my route. I've also noticed a pattern that the times of my life when running has existed as an activity tied to listening to music that the longevity of the activity is shorter. There is something for me about running without adding any more distraction than necessary that is vital to the undertaking. There are many voices in the head that are hard to hear as it is, it's nice to have quiet time during each day to listen to what my body and mind are telling me.

I've been trying to take part in new and different activities. I've made a new deal with a very special person in my life that each sunday we will endeavor to do something new and different, that we've never done before. This has already yielded many wonderful new activities. I've been reaching out and trying to do different things with different people. I've been watching films that maybe I wouldn't normally watch and making a conscious effort to support creative endeavors of those around me with my attendance. Stuff like this produces a positive reaction in my being and I think that it's adding to the positive energy I'm trying to put into the world, in order to show appreciation for all that I've received and all that I hope to continue to receive.

I've been thinking about what I eat and drink a lot more too. I've very nearly eliminated diet soda from my life. I used to have 3 or 4 a day at work, which is insane I know now. Having removed diet sodas from my work life I've replaced them with tea and lots of water. This feels so much better and more natural to me. My system must have been working so hard to deal with all the chemicals and toxins that I was putting in it before I can't believe that i was able to function as well as I was.
In this area I have recently embarked into another new dimension. My two bosses eat a bowl of steel cut oats with fruit and nuts here every morning. They have always told me it's the best thing you can eat for breakfast. I've fought their advances to get me to indulge in this treat for many months, until this past Friday. I had skipped breakfast and it smelled good so I thought, why not give it a go. I have now decided I'm going to try and eat it every morning for two weeks, at which time it will be clear to me weather I will continue or not, initial reports look favorable. In addition to the added health benefits, it's also free breakfast, in addition to lunch which they already provide. For lunch I've been trying to stick to salads and grilled meats, with the occasional sandwich wrap.

I've been reading more. This just appears to be a result of a more solitary life that I've been leading. While I do have many great people around me I have noticed that not being in a strictly cohabitation relationship has allowed me more time to do things on my own, many of which naturally lead to having quiet time with a good book. I'm currently reading a great book about Edie Sedgwick, a fascinating read that I would probably never have picked up two months ago.

Another new frontier is that i've actually began to actively care for my skin. It's not easy, apparently I have sensitive skin and my complexion is effected by many factors. I've been introduced to many new products and just yesterday had my first facial... wowsa! Times they are a changin'

Lastly tomorrow morning I have a dental exam. I have never felt naturally inclined to visit a dentist... I'm not afraid of them so much as I hate being patronized by anyone in a smock. Also the money can be a bit tight, even with insurance. However, as more evidence of a positive spin in my life I was greatly encouraged to visit my dentist by the aforementioned special person in my life. This all feels good.

1 comment:

Scarlet said...

How awesome that you are so in touch with your healthier side...we sure could use some of what you have!