Thursday, March 29, 2007


This is me, as I appeared yesterday morning at 7:20 am, extreme hangover in hand, waiting for a bus that came at 7:26. I was a waiting for a bus because my van has no brakes at the moment. The same could be said apparently about me, the night before I took this rather painful self portrait. We went to an open bar event at Sky bar the night before last, thanks to our lovely friend Marc, who has those kind of connections. It was a record release thing for some english fellow who's doing well, but I don't even know how to spell his name so I won't try.

Here is the above mentioned Marc, looking happy and not hungover. This pic was snapped at Umai Sushi on Santa Monica, sometime last week. I just thought you might like to see Marc.

This photo is an explaination for why I didn't blog last week. I was actually busy working on a very ridiculous animation sequence that was used as a background for our performance on a public access television show, Can't Understand Normal Thinking TV, or CUNT TV. The animation was used for our song Legalese, I might put something on YouTube eventually.

Here is a picture of The Jewish Council Thrift Store, I like thier sign so I included it. We drove past it after eating my excellent birthday meal at Versailles, one of my all time favorite resturaunts

Amy is very sleepy, she is infact almost asleep here. Arthur is awake but feeling the need to cuddle and sleep on her arm.

Poor Coffee dog got his testicals removed. He had to wear a cone. He didn't like it. Would you? No I didn't think so.

Here's Henry. He loves me, he just has a funny way of showing it. This is taken on a sunday morning when the sun shines in and Amy has just cleaned and Brandon has gone to get Bagels from Noahs. This is a very good time for a kitty.

Here is another project that I need to be working on with more vigor. It's a picture of the master tracks to a Singe song, I've been toying with some mix ideas, but I haven't really gotten into the meat. I have to thank Ronnie my uncle for recording the tracks, Sending them to me, then sending me Sonar so I could open them.

Speaking of Ronnie, here he is, in a picture I grabbed from his daughter's blog.

This next group is from the Palm Springs Wind Field. I snapped these as I drove through it on the way to visit Amy's Mom and Stepdad. They were in Palms Springs for a softball tournament. During our short visit Sandy, Amy's mother, had her purse stolen from her hotel room.

I really found the windfield to be neat, and rather exciting. It's the little things that get me you know.

I enjoyed this drive very much, I like to drive in ruraly Califorina, it suits me. Now that I finally bothered to go get a California Driver's Liscence it's even legal!

This last batch of pictures comes from Tuesday of this week. They are basically pictures of the complex where I work, taken out my front door. This first one is taken around 10:30 am, just as a little storm was rolling in.

About 10 minutes later I took this shot, which is the storm in it's glory, the wind was really whipping, I bet it would have moved the turbines real well if they were here.

About 10 minutes after that the storm was leaving and you could see blue sky agian. I was sad. I wanted it to storm all day, it makes for a nice background.

This last shot is taken at 11:30, as I was walking roxie dog. It is a different angle from my work, looking towards Burbank Airport right across the street.

1 comment:

Scarlet said...

We loved the Palm Springs drive, too! Just came into L.A. that direction once, we drove way south from Kansas to avoid a blizzard in Arizona. The "wind farm" was amazing and tranquil that day.