Friday, May 27, 2005

Feelin' Snappy

Good vibrations today. With Devin out of town I got to drive his car to work this morning, thus giving me about an hour more to sleep. Add this extra sleep of today with the sleep of yesterday and you've got a much better Buckie.
Yesterday I drove Devo to the airport for his flight home, then I tooled clear across town to Satellite Studio to record guitar. It was fucking grand, being left alone in a room where I could be as loud as I wanted was just soo much fun. I knocked out a bunch of songs all of which seem to sound much better for it. I certainly felt much more comfortable in my playing then I have for a while. It has taken me some time to really feel confident and comfortable in the role of guitar player, but I think I am finally getting there.
This weekend I think we are going to party like we mean it.

1 comment:

downtown said...

Tee hee! You said "Good Vibrations"! I was just chatting with Devin the other day about that Marky Mark song... he goes, "I just wanna see sweat comin' outcha pores!"
And my Carrie-Okie version is "I DON'T wanna smell booze comin' outcha pores!"
But that's just advice to myself.

You, on the other hand, had DAMN well party like you mean it.
Otherwise, what's the point? Do it, do it to it.

I wish I could see sweat comin' outcha pores. More than that, I wish I could see YOU.