Friday, May 13, 2005

Approaching the Mark

I've been re-reading this whole mess this week, I'm nearing my one year blogging birthday. In re-reading it I've confirmed what I've always suspected, that it's more of a personal record than a public one, but I believe the fact that it is at least available for public viewing has had a positive impact. It has been a fun little stroll down memory lane, I remembered things I had forgotten and realized I had omitted many things as well.
I've been entertaining my mind and ears lately by reading Mp3 Blogs, it is wonderful and exciting to once again be confronted with the great well of popular music, just his morning alone I've heard at least 5 tracks by artists I've never heard of that really appealed to some deep part of my listener. It's an interesting world out there, and we are all welcome to it.
I'm glad it's Friday, this morning on my walk to work I called everyone I could think of that wouldn't answer their phone and left long rambling messages, I like to remind people in other parts of the country that I'm still here, and I haven't changed all that much.
I have a sick plan, I think on my blogs birthday that I will print the entire thing out and mail it to one Jason Rucker. Tee hee hee.

1 comment:

downtown said...

You left long, rambling messages for everybody you knew?

*sniffle* *sob*

I feel the same way I felt on that day God distributed senses of self-control. I feel left out.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm about to lose control.
And I think I like it.