Tuesday, June 29, 2004

All In the Journey

I am a hero in the field of the tired this morning, forsaking sleep Saturday night, and staying out late last night, I have earned myself a much deserved exhaustion.
Last night we played at Mr. T's Bowl in highland park with our friend bands M.Q. Musik and The Art Ghetto. The venue was nothing short of bizarre. Nice barfly locals, happy go lucky bar tender and a useful sound man. There is even ample free parking!!
Prior to the show Amy and I were laying down wondering if we could call in sick to our rock n' roll night job, but we knew we could never cancel, it's just not punk to call in sick. We sucked it up like the heros we are and drove to the show. It turned out to be a wonderful performance, in an odd bar that began it's life as a bowling alley. Just another dot on the map, a dash on the timeline of very sleepy life.

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