Monday, June 21, 2004

Let us be gay not humble

Rather fantastic push of heights, additions of length to already long nights

We played Los Angeles Gay Pride this weekend, It was quite wonderful. We went onstage at 4:05 Saturday afternoon, complete with 2 go go dancers and my brand new pink hair! Dancing with us for the first time was Melissa from MQ Musik, she and Dylan did a fabulous job and made it so fun to be up there playing while they are switching off genders and bouncing about. The crowd was happy and gay and really seemed to enjoy our set. It was great to have a whole group of friends show up and help out. My new neighbor Katarina was very awesome at hawking the wares on the side of the stage. Tiger was there with his trusty camera, and Miles was there to video tape. It was a nice feeling seeing our friends backstage, and knowing that the effort the three of us put into our music allowed us all to reap a small amount of benefit.
I also got to Sumo wrestle in a big plastic suit and party my nuts off.

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