Thursday, January 10, 2013

Fun Stuff - Zombies and the Work

For the last year I have been eying an app called "Zombies Run!", once I finally had a phone that could run it I decided that my runs were too special to share with a game, that and I have been very anti running with head phones and music. I am selfish about my running, it's usually an act of unplugging and eventually oblivion. Yet towards the very tail end of last year as I got busier working on music and life my pendulum shift had left me not running as much. This just won't do. I'm not fun to be around on a consistent basis if I don't run, my brain chemicals need it. So I bought the app above and last night I completed the first mission. I have to say it felt like a brand new frontier, halfway between a novel, a game and a work out. At times it was a fully immersive fantasy world. I am excited now to run again, to see what happens next. I'm at a crossroads of sorts in the completion of the S no S album 10 Digits. I really need to finish something, done, finished, finalized, yet I know that I need to do it right. At the same time I'm neglecting Turbo Sunshine, which I need as a vehicle for playing songs live. This weekend I intend to try and very honestly evaluate the amount of time it will take to complete 10 Digits, and then I'll make the choice on exclusivity of my work time.

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