Monday, January 07, 2013

2012: Later Aligator

Here are the results of my 10 things to do or do more of in 2012. 1. Complete list of goals for 2012. Check! I must have felt like making 2012 an easy year to accomplish some goals. This first one was completed by the very existence of this list. 2. Play gigs with Turbo Sunshine. I did this, twice. 3. Travel out of the Country. I did not do this. Rats. 4. Get a Bike and Ride it. I did not do this. 5. Dream Big. I did dream pretty big this year, but I know think I shouldn't go around sharing those things so freely. 6. Study Music Theory. I learned how to build several scales and I did it just so I could put that I did it here. 7. Find a New Way to Express Myself. At the very end of the year I decided to learn more about video production. I think this will count. 8. Buy an Angeles Forrest Adventure Pass and Use it. This did not happen. 9. Make Time for Nothing. On occasion this did happen, though I wish I had structured it better and less. 10. Smile More. I don't think I can call this a win in 2012, and there is no good reason for that. Smiling is easy and effective and it opens many doors. I'm going to keep at it and I'll do better. I'll try and come back later to add a new list for 2013. 6 out of 10 is pretty good. even if some of them were stupid.

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