Monday, January 28, 2013


A few years ago while still living in Atwater Village I came across this amp being discarded.
Not having a small apartment amp I figured it was worth a look to determine why it was being trashed. I plugged it in and immediately noticed why it was being dumped. The volume and tone pots were so scratchy that you could barely get a sound. Luckily I had some contact cleaner handy and I was able to apply a touch of that. This greatly improved matters, but also let me hear just how crappy the small speaker that came with the amp sounded. I was able to plug headphones in and hear that the amp itself wasn't total garbage. The amp set with my musical gear, never really getting any love unless I need something small to grab for an apartment rehearsal, even then the sound was barely bare-able. About a year ago while walking past my apartments refuse area I noticed a large home stereo speaker cabinet discarded. the cabinet looked exceptionally well made, but I could tell all the high end drivers had been blown. What really drew my eye was the 10" woofer in the cabinet. It appeared to be in perfect condition. I returned with a screwdriver and removed the speaker. It was a fine 10" Fisher speaker. Suddenly a plan developed in my mind. Like many of my plans for projects it has set in my mind and my storage cabinet until this weekend. Rounding out the materials for my franken amp were several pieces of leftover plywood from a prop I've been building from angela, and a very large, very high quality roll of gaffers tape that I borrowed from a venue my band played at years ago. Yesterday afternoon it suddenly seemed like the perfect time to create my monster. armed with a jigsaw and a drill and a trusty ruler I went to work. A couple hours later franken amp let out it's first scream. She's ugly under that tape, but I love her all the same.

1 comment:

Devin Tait said...

Coolbee! How loud does it get?