Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Conversation On Top

I love to run in Griffith Park and Runyon Canyon. After pulling and pushing hard for several miles up steep grades there is the amazing pay off view. Some days I hate that I reach the top of a peak only to find it littered with others, occasionally though it's nice to encounter my fellows, and to realize they've all made the commitment to climb to be there themselves.
I have fun conversations in these situations sometimes. People do seem more open after a great workout, in the presence of great splendor. Below is a half remembered transcript of the conversation I had last night:

stranger: "Can you imagine what our hearts must look like right now?"

me: "I bet they are going crazy"

stranger: "I think there's a reason god put all that stuff on the inside where you can't see it."

stranger: "If we could see it we probably wouldn't carry on like we do, smoking and drinking and other stuff, if you could actually see what it was doing to our insides."

me: "It's a subtle thing, it's only been in the last few years that I've been able to make the correlation between what I put into my body at night and how I feel the next day."

stranger: "Sounds like you and I have been on a similar path"

stranger: "It's funny that we don't often give ourselves the consideration we give our friends or our special ladies. I'll take mercy any day."

me: "me too"

stranger: "I like your vibe, have a good evening"

me: "you too"

1 comment:

Devin Tait said...

Do I sense a bromance coming on?