Thursday, December 02, 2010

When a job gets frustrating

Since I began work at 16 I've always had days at work that I were awful. I have always hated working in a pretty big way. I see it's value, but some days the value seems to be hiding and the bullshit is all that makes itself known. On those days I've always had a little place where I could go to shut off for a second and get away from it. Here is a brief list of those places over the years.

1. Dillon's Grocery store in Hays, KS - I used to go in the employee bathroom in the back room and turn off all the lights. There were no windows there so I would then shut my eyes and pretend I was floating in space. That was fun. There was also a small 4 inch square window in the loading dock door where I would peak out. I would look at a far off grove of trees and pretend to be pick nicking there.

2. Ralph's Grocery Store in Chattsworth, CA - I would sit on a bench in the parking lot and stare at a hotel across the street. I would pretend it was years in the future and I had come back to rent a room in the hotel and that from the hotel I would stare at the bench where I was sitting and that my future self would realize that it had all worked out okay. I still need to go rent that stupid room and keep that promise to myself.

3. Good Sam Center for the old people in Olathe, KS - I would walk to a door at the end of one of the units and stare outside at nothing in particular and just try to remember that I was getting older every moment and if I were lucky one day I'd be stressing out an activities assistant.

4. The picture above. I stare at the grove of trees and picture sitting in a hammock thinking about nothing. It's nice.


aes9999 said...

What a grand idea. I'm not sure I've ever had a go-to like that. Though usually I just walk down the hall to Dan or Stephanie and unload with a bitch-fest. Probably same thing.

Scarlet said...

So that's what's missing from my day!