Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Freddy comes home.

This is my year to be more of a holiday grown up, which really just makes you a child. Still as I stated in a previous post I'm giving tradition a chance, even if the traditions are kind of stupid. I had a recurring argument with an ex that went something like this:

it would say: "How can you not hate christmas?"
I would say: "Because it's the one day a year that everyone I know is off work."

I see value though where I didn't before, but I know that it comes at a cost. I suppose someone could dig me up a fascinating read on Yuletide tree farms and how horrid the industry is. Still though I like anything that breaks from the day to day and having a big blinking purple tree in your house feels pretty different.

So here is the tree, Freddy, on top of my truck in our apartment garage. First tree I've ever bought in my life.

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