Thursday, July 26, 2007

Transfer of Risks Pt1

As I was crawling into bed last night I made to move one of Amy's numerous journals, it happened to be open, and since Amy is a very public journalist, I read what was on the page. I was suprised to find a poem, relating to the title of the SG album, Free Alongside Ship. I thought that I photographe it in entirety, but I see now that I only got the first half. So here, for your pleasure, more from Amy on what the title might mean.

1 comment:

Brandonbodt said...

if you purchase anything, art or otherwise, the idea is that you trust the artist, or otherwise. so if it is floating in the ocean too long, if you really really want it, you'll snatch it up before it gets away. it's risky business dropping our cd's into the water.