Monday, February 13, 2006

Mal Adjusting

My eagerness towards blogging in January fizzled a bit and died of with no pop. It left me in need of mindful realignment. My communications with Carrie have for the most part been answered, by her, and with her usual strange talent for the written language. I got from her responses though that my usual free form blogging technique may have been a bit to cloudy for actual person to person communication. All of this has had me thinking that maybe I should try and put a little more effort into writing for other people rather than my own personal public recollection. I actually haven't really came to any full on conclusions about any of that though.

There is also this added element of pictures to contend with. I held off from using the feature for many months after it's introduction, and now since I have opened this can of pixel worms I have used it on every occasion. I mention it all because I'm going through this state of the blogger blog, and I hope to be back on track this week.

I owe Carrie a letter. And I owe the readers at large some of here choice response.

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