Friday, March 18, 2005

No Body Walks in L.A.

I walked from my house to the subway, and from the subway to my house everyday this week, that is a total of 25 miles. It takes me about 25 minutes each way, walking extremely fast. Cutting out waiting for the bus has improved my mind, I feel sharper. I can't stand waiting.
It's beautiful also, both evening and night.

Last night's show was strange. The poor sad palms is always so hard, never enough power outlets, dirty power, no help with sound... but alas there was free drinks for the band.

I am bored with my blog. I find that I can't entertain even myself with it these days. I must take action, do something absurd for the point of the blog. I do have that birthday coming up tomorrow.


1 comment:

downtown said...

Don't be bored, baby! Your blog rocks. People are reading it, they're just lurking in the background like pervy dudes in trenchcoats on the playground.

But us NORMAL* people appreciate-cha, Buckie-boy.


* RE: normal - it's all relative.